Hi Aree,

As Rafa pointed out this really depends on the Engine(s) you are
using. Tika, Language detection, all OpenNLP engines and also the FST
linking engine tend to be CPU capped. The normal EntityLinking engine
and Dereferencing depend on the IO performance.

For more precise information I suggest you use the Stanbol Enhancer
Stress Test Utility [1] to test you configuration and hardware.


[1] http://stanbol.apache.org/docs/trunk/utils/enhancerstresstest

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 5:43 AM, Aree Cohen <aree.co...@sbs.com.au> wrote:
> ?Hi Guys,
> Stanbol is incredibly slow for our project. Is anyone able to give tips on 
> how to performance tune it. Thank you.
> Aree

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