Hi All,

I need some help with generic rdf indexing tool. I use it to create a
referenced-site index with some entities conforming to schema.org.
The entity properties are defined as full URIs instead of prefix based


_:test1 <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <
http://schema.org/City> <
http://www.wohnung-bonn.net/wohnungen-in-bonn/wohnungsmarkt.html> .
_:test1 <http://schema.org/City/name> "Bonn" <
http://www.wohnung-bonn.net/wohnungen-in-bonn/wohnungsmarkt.html> .

In the indexing tool's mappings.txt I want to copy the schema:name property
of all these entities to  rdfs:label property so that it can be used for
entity-annotation linking.

If I add the mapping with schema prefix (schema:name > rdfs:label ) it
doesn't get identified and I cannot get the entity-linking results for the
entities in the reference site. I tried adding the mapping as
http://schema.org/name > rdfs:label but it also didn't work.

It only works if I add the fully qualified URI as the mapping (
http://schema.org/City/name > rdfs:label).

Mapping each entity's name property with rdfs:label is not a viable
solution because there are many entity types in the dataset under schema.org
like schema:Hotel, schema:Country etc.

Can someone please help me with this issue?


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