Hi Bruno,

Right now the ontology manager only implements a Clerezza provider, so
it basically depends on whatever backends are registered as triple
collection providers for Clerezza (TDB by default, Virtuoso etc.).

You are right that it would be useful to configure custom ontology
providers, so I opened a wish ticket


On 24/06/2015 11:22, Bruno Thiaolayel wrote:

For my master project, I use Stanbol for enhancing my contents with a
custom vocabulary, which works great, and an external triple store (Kiwi
No problem so far.

I saw on the documentation, that Kiwi can be use as a Yard for the
EntityHub; but would it be possible to use Kiwi for the ontonet's backend
storage as well ?
My goal is to use the OWLAPI lib as I do now within an OSGi module with
some ontologies stored into the ontonet, but I wish I can do so with my
others ontologies from my Kiwi instance.
If so, is there some guidelines or tutorials to switch the triple store
used by ontonet for an existing Kiwi ?


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