Hi all,

I want to use Stanbol to enhance content, but I do not succeed in setting
it up. We use the following tools:

   - *SkosJS* (for a non-technical user to manager a taxonomy)
   - *Apache Marmotta* (contains the data. It is linked to SkosJS. It was
   not possible to link SkosJS with Stanbol)
   - *Stanbol* (use the data in Apache Marmotta to enhance content)

I registered Marmotta as a Referenced Site through SPARQL. My entities are
available through this Referenced Site.

I created an Enhancer Engine coupled to the Referenced Site, which is added
to the default chain. It is detected and used by Stanbol, but I get no
results when enhancing content.

I looked at the existing DBPedia setup and noticed that it uses a Solr Yard
and Cache. I think this might be the clue, but when I link my Reference
Site to my newly created Cache it is suddenly not available anymore.
Therefore the enhancers won't work.
I simply created the Solr Yard and Entityhub Cache through the Apache Felix
Web Console.

I noticed that there is an folder called "indexes" which contains indexes
from DBPedia, but none for my own Yard. I also read something about
generating indexes manually, but in our use case this does not seem
feasible. When users add new data using SkosJS, it should be automacially
made available to the Enhancer.

Can somebody help me with this?

Many thanks.

Mano Swerts

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