HI Yauhen

[1] is a good example on how to create a custom Stanbol Launcher. In
the pom.xml file of this module you can see several bundlelists. The
referenced Clerezza and Stanbol Bundlelists  do provide the core
functionality and the three Fusepool specific bundle lists add project
specific data and configurations. e.g. [2] ensures NLP and NER support
for English, Gernam, Italien, Spanish. The Fusepool specific modules
referenced in those bundle lists are under [3]

So the "configuration" of what modules one want to have for a Stanbol
Launcher is done via bundlelists. The production-mode [4] goes into
more details on that.

As an alternative to manually configuring your bundlelists you can
also try to use the


AFAIK this builds bundle lists automatically based on Maven
dependencies. It is used by Apache Clerezza (e.g. [5])

Configuration files (for components - e.g. for an Entity Linking
Engine) need to be configured to the OSGI Configuration Admin Service
(the Apache Felix docu [6]). In Stanbol you will typically use the
Apache Sling Installer [7] framework to manage your configuration.
Stanbol comes with the File Provider (the `stanbol/fileinstall`
folder) and the Launchpad Provider (you can add config files to your
Launcher configuration). In addition Stanbol includes a custom
Provider implementation that allows to add config files to any bundle
[8] (this is used by some stanbol data bundles and also the config

hope this helps

[3] https://github.com/fusepoolP3/p3-stanbol-launcher/tree/master/data
[4] http://stanbol.apache.org/docs/trunk/production-mode/
[5] https://github.com/apache/clerezza/blob/master/provisioning/rdf/pom.xml
[7] https://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/osgi-installer.html

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 2:16 PM, klim klim <klimats...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi dear dev-team of Stanbol,
> 1) could you give me an advice how to build the project with only particular 
> bundles allowed (in my case I need only enhancer and enityhub)?
> 2) what is the way of configuring stanbol only with property files? In my 
> case I have to copy now from already configured instance, and the files are 
> rewritten every time on start. Again, I’d eager to know at least for two 
> modules (entityhub and enhancer)
> 3) Let me give my vote later for 1.0.0 as I still sometimes face issues of 
> downloading third-party stuff.
> Thank you
> Best,
> — Yauhen

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