Eric Lemings wrote:
From what I understand, OpenMP is still a niche technology, used
on massively parallel architectures, for subatomic particle simulations
and that sort of thing.  Interesting, yes.  But useful?  That's

Also, the OpenMP specification relies heavily on preprocessing
and other language features so its not like most conventional
for concurrent programming such as the traditional library API.

It's something of a paradigm shift.

Right, OpenMP is all about #pragmas. Although it provides callable
APIs as well. We could certainly make use of OpenMP synchronization
primitives in the library without a lot of effort, but I'm not sure
if that's what Mark had in mind. Making use of OpenMP to actually
parallelize library algorithms (just like GNU libstdc++ has been
doing lately) would be a much more ambitious (but also much more
interesting) undertaking.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 11:54 AM
Subject: OpenMP support?

Hi there!

I know there is support for thread safety is stdcxx using the -pthread
option but is there any way to use OpenMP for this instead of pthreads? I looked through the source code but couldn't find any signs of it so I
assume the answer will be no. Is OpenMP not interesting or useful for
this kind of thing?

-- Mark

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