I'm seeing some weird errors when porting some code to acc-6.16, and I
figured that I'd mention it because I've wasted a considerable amount of
time trying to figure out why my code isn't compiling. The following is
a transcript of what I've been seeing...

$ pwd
$ gmake 20.meta.trans.sign
aCC -AA -g +d +DD64 +w +W392,655,684,818,819,849
+W2193,2236,2261,2340,2401,2487 +W4227,4229,4231,4235,4237,4249
+W4255,4272,4284,4285,4286,4296,4297 +W3348 -D_RWSTDDEBUG
-D_RWSTD_EXT_CXX_0X -I/amd/devco /vitek/stdcxx/4.3.x/include
-L/build/vitek/4.3.0/11S/rwtest -lrwtest11S -AA +nostl -Wl,+s +DD64
/build/vitek/4.3.0/11S/rwtest/librwtest11S.a -lstd11S -lm -o
line 38: error #2005-D: could not open source file "stddef.h"
  #include <stddef.h>

line 149: error #2020: identifier "size_t" is undefined
                         size_t got_size, size_t exp_size,

line 149: error #2020: identifier "size_t" is undefined
                         size_t got_size, size_t exp_size,

3 errors detected in the compilation of

$ cp
/nfs/devco/vitek/stdcxx/4.3.x/tests/utilities/20.meta.trans.sign.cpp ./
$ gmake 20.meta.trans.sign
-I/amd/devco/vitek/stdcxx/4.3.x/include -I/build/vitek/4.3.0/11S/include
-I/amd/devco/vitek/stdcxx/4.3.x/tests/include -AA -g +d +DD64 +w
+W392,655,684,818,819,849 +W2193,2236,2261,2340,2401,2487
+W4227,4229,4231,4235,4237,4249 +W4255,4272,4284,4285,4286,4296,4297
+W3348 20.meta.trans.sign.cpp
aCC 20.meta.trans.sign.o -o 20.meta.trans.sign
-L/build/vitek/4.3.0/11S/rwtest -lrwtest11S -AA +nostl -Wl,+s    +DD64
-L/build/vitek/4.3.0/11S/lib  -lstd11S  -lm

You might have noticed that the first gmake invocation results in a
single compile/link rule, and the second invocation results in separate
compile/link rules. When using the single build rule, the +nostl flag is
passed to the compilation stage, which essentially removes the standard
(the implicit ones) include paths from the compile line.


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