Greetings all.

At this time, we have two build types which are producing hanging builds
in nightly testing.  These builds are thread-safe (32-bit archive)
builds with the eccp compiler on Redhat 5.  This hang is known to be
exhibited using the 4.2.x branch, and may be exhibited on other branches.

These hangs point at two issues in the code base.  First, there's the
obvious problem of the test in question hanging. Second, there's the
failure of the run utility to kill this particular test.  I've attached
the .out files for the test from the latest builds in question, but they
aren't telling me much.  When I manually sent a kill message to the
tests in question, it was sufficient to send a SIGTERM.

--Andrew Black
warning: -A: ignoring unimplemented compatibility mode option
warning: -C: ignoring unimplemented compatibility mode option
warning: -D: ignoring unimplemented compatibility mode option
warning: -G: ignoring unimplemented compatibility mode option
warning: -L: ignoring unimplemented compatibility mode option
warning: -M: ignoring unimplemented compatibility mode option
# INFO (S1) (10 lines):
# TEXT: 
# COMPILER: EDG eccp, __EDG_VERSION__ = 309
# ENVIRONMENT: i386 running linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5 
(Tikanga)) with glibc 2.5
# COMPILED: Oct 22 2008, 03:17:59
# COMMENT: thread safety

# CLAUSE: lib.locale.numpunct

# NOTE (S2) (5 lines):
# TEXT: executing "locale -a > /tmp/filegtmXs2"
# CLAUSE: lib.locale.numpunct
# FILE: process.cpp
# LINE: 275

# INFO (S1) (3 lines):
# TEXT: testing std::numpunct<charT> with 4 threads, 200000 iterations each, in 
32 locales { "C" "POSIX" "aa_DJ" "aa_DJ.iso88591" "aa_DJ.utf8" "aa_ER" 
"aa_ER.utf8" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "aa_ET" "aa_ET.utf8" 
"af_ZA" "af_ZA.iso88591" "af_ZA.utf8" "am_ET" "am_ET.utf8" "an_ES" 
"an_ES.iso885915" "an_ES.utf8" "ar_AE" "ar_AE.iso88596" "ar_AE.utf8" "ar_BH" 
"ar_BH.iso88596" "ar_BH.utf8" "ar_DZ" "ar_DZ.iso88596" "ar_DZ.utf8" "ar_EG" 
"ar_EG.iso88596" "ar_EG.utf8" "ar_IN" }
# CLAUSE: lib.locale.numpunct

# INFO (S1) (3 lines):
# TEXT: exercising std::numpunct<char>
# CLAUSE: lib.locale.numpunct

alarm expired
warning: -A: ignoring unimplemented compatibility mode option
warning: -C: ignoring unimplemented compatibility mode option
warning: -D: ignoring unimplemented compatibility mode option
warning: -G: ignoring unimplemented compatibility mode option
warning: -L: ignoring unimplemented compatibility mode option
warning: -M: ignoring unimplemented compatibility mode option
# INFO (S1) (10 lines):
# TEXT: 
# COMPILER: EDG eccp, __EDG_VERSION__ = 309
# ENVIRONMENT: i386 running linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5 
(Tikanga)) with glibc 2.5
# COMPILED: Oct 22 2008, 20:37:52
# COMMENT: thread safety

# CLAUSE: lib.locale.numpunct

# NOTE (S2) (5 lines):
# TEXT: executing "locale -a > /tmp/filewTQt8G"
# CLAUSE: lib.locale.numpunct
# FILE: process.cpp
# LINE: 275

# INFO (S1) (3 lines):
# TEXT: testing std::numpunct<charT> with 4 threads, 200000 iterations each, in 
32 locales { "C" "POSIX" "aa_DJ" "aa_DJ.iso88591" "aa_DJ.utf8" "aa_ER" 
"aa_ER.utf8" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "aa_ET" "aa_ET.utf8" 
"af_ZA" "af_ZA.iso88591" "af_ZA.utf8" "am_ET" "am_ET.utf8" "an_ES" 
"an_ES.iso885915" "an_ES.utf8" "ar_AE" "ar_AE.iso88596" "ar_AE.utf8" "ar_BH" 
"ar_BH.iso88596" "ar_BH.utf8" "ar_DZ" "ar_DZ.iso88596" "ar_DZ.utf8" "ar_EG" 
"ar_EG.iso88596" "ar_EG.utf8" "ar_IN" }
# CLAUSE: lib.locale.numpunct

# INFO (S1) (3 lines):
# TEXT: exercising std::numpunct<char>
# CLAUSE: lib.locale.numpunct

alarm expired

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