An update on this issue: I asked the customer for a preprocessed file so
I can see what headers are being include, etc.

 Turns out that on this platform the include/ansi is needed and the
customer was not including it.  Therefore when the customer was
including the c headers they were getting them from the wrong location.


-----Original Message-----
From: Farid Zaripov [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 8:51 AM
Subject: RE: Problem building Standard Library

> Turns out they are not getting this error when building the library 
> but when they are building their application and using the Standard
> /illustrate/iplus/source/rw_buildspace/include/rw/_iosfwd.h:176:
> '_RWSTD_SEEK_SET' was not declared in this scope
> /illustrate/iplus/source/rw_buildspace/include/rw/_iosfwd.h:177:
> '_RWSTD_SEEK_CUR' was not declared in this scope
> /illustrate/iplus/source/rw_buildspace/include/rw/_iosfwd.h:178:
> '_RWSTD_SEEK_END' was not declared in this scope
> /illustrate/iplus/source/rw_buildspace/include/rw/_iterbase.h:82:
> '_RWSTD_PTRDIFF_T' does not name a type
> /illustrate/iplus/source/rw_buildspace/include/rw/_iterbase.h:93:
> '_RWSTD_PTRDIFF_T' does not name a type
> /illustrate/iplus/source/rw_buildspace/include/rw/_iterbase.h:104:
> error: expected type-specifier before '_RWSTD_PTRDIFF_T' 
> Any ideas?

  It looks like their application has its own config.h file, which is
included instead of our library header file.

  Martin, perhaps it worth to put some predefined macro in our config.h
file at configuration step and check that macro in <rw/_config.h> header
right after the <config.h> included. Then if the macro above is not
defined, issue #error with descriptive reason, something like "Not
STDCXX's config.h file is included.
Check that path to the STDCXX's config.h file is first in the list of
include directories."


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