I have no problem with your proposal. Actually I never even considered setting 
a timeline for a revert. I've always felt that if there was any problem with a 
patch/modification, it could be reverted at any time -- no deadline. If we find 
a problem, we fix it. We've reverted changes in the past, and lived to tell 
about it :).

So I would think we don't even have to mention any revert timeline. If we feel 
the need to codify that, I'm okay with it.


> On Feb 11, 2015, at 9:06 PM, Nathan Marz <nat...@nathanmarz.com> wrote:
> I'm -1 on these bylaws. This commit process encourages merging as fast as
> possible and does not give adequate time for dissenting opinions to veto a
> patch. I'm concerned about two things:
> 1. Regressions - Having too lax of a merge process will lead to unforeseen
> regressions. We all saw this first hand with ZeroMQ: I had to freeze the
> version of ZeroMQ used by Storm because subsequent versions would regress
> in numerous ways.
> 2. Bloat – All software projects have a tendency to become bloated and
> build complexity because things were added piecemeal without a coherent
> vision.
> These are very serious issues, and I've seen too many projects become
> messes because of them. The only way to control these problems are with
> -1's. Trust isn't even the issue here – one committer may very well think a
> new feature "looks fine" and "why not let it in", while another will
> recognize that the feature is unnecessary, adds complexity, and/or can be
> addressed via better means. As is, the proposed bylaws are attempting to
> make vetoing very difficult.
> I have a proposal which I believe gets the best of all worlds: allowing for
> fast responsiveness on contributions while allowing for regressions and
> bloat to be controlled. It is just a slight modification of the current
> bylaws:
> "A minimum of one +1 from a Committer other than the one who authored the
> patch, and no -1s. The code can be committed after the first +1. If a -1 is
> received to the patch within 7 days after the patch was posted, it may be
> reverted immediately if it was already merged."
> To be clear, if a patch was posted on the 7th and merged on the 10th, it
> may be -1'd and reverted until the 14th.
> With this process patches can be merged just as fast as before, but it also
> allows for committers with a more holistic or deeper understanding of a
> part of Storm to prevent unnecessary complexity.
> On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 7:48 AM, Bobby Evans <ev...@yahoo-inc.com.invalid>
> wrote:
>> I am fine with this. I mostly want a starting point, and we can adjust
>> things from there is need be.
>> - Bobby
>>     On Sunday, February 8, 2015 8:39 PM, Harsha <st...@harsha.io> wrote:
>> Thanks for putting this together. Proposed bylaws looks good to
>> me. -Harsha
>>> On Thu, Feb 5, 2015, at 02:10 PM, P. Taylor Goetz wrote:
>>> Associated pull request can be found here:
>>> https://github.com/apache/storm/pull/419
>>> This is another attempt at gaining consensus regarding adopting
>>> official bylaws for the Apache Storm project. The changes are minor
>>> and should be apparent in the pull request diff.
>>> In earlier discussions, there were concerns raised about certain
>>> actions requiring approval types that were too strict. In retrospect,
>>> and after reviewing the bylaws of other project (Apache Drill [1],
>>> Apache Hadoop [2]) as well as the official Glossary of Apache-Related
>>> Terms [3], it seems that some of those concerns were somewhat
>>> unfounded, and stemmed from the fact that different projects use
>>> different and inconsistent names for various approval types.
>>> In an effort to remedy the situation, I have modified the “Approvals”
>>> table to use the same names as the Glossary of Apache-Related Terms
>>> [3]. The table below provides a mapping between the terms used in this
>>> proposed update to the Apache Storm bylaws, the Apache Glossary, the
>>> Apache Drill bylaws, and the Apache Hadoop bylaws.
>>> | Proposed Storm Bylaws | Apache Glossary | Apache Drill | Apache
>>> | Hadoop | Definition |
>>> |
>> -----------------------|--------------------|----------------|--------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------|
>>> | Consensus Approval | Consensus Approval | Lazy Consensus | Consensus
>>> | Approval | 3 binding +1 votes and no binding -1 votes | Majority
>>> | Approval | Majority Approval | Lazy Majority | Lazy Majority | At
>>> | least 3 binding +1 votes and more +1 votes than -1 votes | Lazy
>>> | Consensus | Lazy Consensus | Lazy Approval | Lazy Consensus | No -1
>>> | votes (‘silence gives assent’) |
>>> | 2/3 Majority | N/A | 2/3 Majority* | Lazy 2/3 Majority | At least 3
>>> |  +1 votes and twice as many +1 votes as -1 votes |
>>> * The Apache Drill bylaws to not define “2/3 Majority” in the
>>> Approvals table, but it is used in the Actions table.
>>> Please keep these differences in terminology when comparing the
>>> proposed bylaws with those of other projects.
>>> I would like to use this DISCUSS thread as a forum for reaching
>>> consensus to approve the proposed bylaws and to discuss any changes
>>> needed to reach that point. If successful, the VOTE to officially
>>> adopt the bylaws should be a technicality and pass without dissent.
>>> -Taylor
>>> [1]https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/DRILL/Project+Bylaws
>>> [2]http://hadoop.apache.org/bylaws.html
>>> [3]http://www.apache.org/foundation/glossary.html Email had 1
>>>   attachment:
>>> * signature.asc 1k (application/pgp-signature)
> -- 
> Twitter: @nathanmarz
> http://nathanmarz.com

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