Github user slora commented on the pull request:
    First of all, thanks @vesense for your work here!
    Unfortunately , we're experiencing the same issues with 0.9.6 (includes 
@vesense  patch). The topology worked well for 6h, but then KafkaSpout seems to 
be trying to retrieve the same (different for each worker) outdated offset 
repeatedly. Is anyone else having the same issue? The worker logs are full of 
this lines:
    [WARN] Got fetch request with offset out of range: [11024170]; retrying 
with default start offset time from configuration. configured start offset 
time: [-2]
    [WARN] Using new offset: 11322905
    I couldn't find in the logs the message that logs which failed offsets have 
been deleted:
    LOG.warn("Removing the failed offsets that are out of range: {}", omitted);

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