
- Bobby 

     On Friday, September 18, 2015 12:54 PM, Onur Yalazı 
<> wrote:

 Hello Bobby,

If it's possible to enable a TupleSerializer while submitting 
topologies, without touching Storm's internals it would be really wise 
and a fast way to implement compression. Actually I have no idea if it's 
possible this way.

Other than that, If I got the Netty's gist right, to enable Zlib 
compression one needs only 2 lines of code for each pipeline to enable 
it. It's first class citizen of netty. Looking into
a good chunk of compression algorithms are also available.


      //  Enable stream compression (you can remove these two if 

On 09/18/2015 08:32 PM, Bobby Evans wrote:
> Compression was just not something that we really though about all that much. 
>  The fastest route is probably to replace the tuple serializer with one that 
> can handle compression.  We did something similar for encryption.
> But compression is generic enough it might be nice to make it a part of the 
> Real TupleSerializer.
> I would also suggest that you look at Snappy and LZO or LZ4 for your 
> compression.  As they tend to be much faster and still get good compression 
> ratios. - Bobby
>      On Friday, September 18, 2015 11:51 AM, Onur Yalazı 
><> wrote:
>  Hello,
> I'm very new to storm world and the list, so Hello from Turkey.
> Because of a recent incident we had to increase our openstack network
> bandwidth soft limits from 1gb/s to 2gb/s.
> And of course even though the problem resides in our tuples' size and
> topology size, I thought if storm's netty was using ZlibEncoding.
> Looking into backtype.storm.messaging.netty.StormServerPipelineFactory
> and client counterpart, pipline seems to not have any compression handlers.
> Is it an intentional decision to not include compression in the
> pipeline? I know it would need more processing power and reduce topology
> performance, but I would like to know it it was considered before, and
> if not raise the issue.
> Thank you.


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