i submitted topology using storm - , it's supposed no error in logs
file except supervisor log file has [INFO] still hasn't start

i can see worker in storm ui

i attached screenshots for result in storm ui

Question is :
1-   Should i see numbers in Emitted and transferred columns before click
Show system stats Button ?
or i must click it to see the numbers  ?

2- I imported project , i ran it in local mode without any problems but
after submit it to a cluster Emitted coulmn has numbers But Transeferred
has zeros and this after click show system stats button !

3- How can i know why workers still hasn't start ? however no errors and i
can see it in stom ui ?

4- topology has one worker , Spout has one task , 10 Bolts , should i edit
in topology.stats.sample.rate ? it's 0.05 now

Thanks for you help in advance

this image before click show system stats button

this after click show system stats button


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