Hi Balázs,

The idea sounds good. 

Only whitelisted configs can be overridden at component level. The java configs 
are converted to clojure variables by replacing _ (underscore) with - (hyphen) 
and you need to add and entry like [1] in executor.clj to get it working.

- Arun


On 5/30/16, 11:26 PM, "Balázs Kossovics" <balazs.kossov...@s4m.io> wrote:

>I'm trying to implement an alterative behaviour in case of late tuples 
>for windowing. Currently late tuples are just logged (and acknowledged 
>in the coming 1.0.2), but in my usecase it would be desirable to emit 
>them onto a user defined stream. One could define a bolt with a stream 
>for late tuples like this:
>new MyWindowedBolt()
>         .withTimestampField("timestamp")
>*      .withLateTupleStream("late_tuples")
>         .withWindow(
>                 new BaseWindowedBolt.Duration(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES),
>                 new BaseWindowedBolt.Duration(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
>         )
>I made a quick patch 
>to test the idea, where the indended behaviour would be something like this:
>1, the withLateTupleStream builder method puts a new key into the 
>windowConfiguration Map,
>2, in WindowedBoltExecutor. declareOutputFields a new stream gets declared,
>3, in WindowedBoltExecutor.prepare we store the stream's name in a 
>private variable,
>4, if this variable is not null, then in the execute method we emit each 
>late tuple onto the new stream.
>The problem is in the 3rd step 
>where the stormConf map doesn't contain anymore my key, which was still 
>present in the 2nd step. I'm out of ideas, so I'd really appreciate if 
>someone could explain me what's happening here.
>I'm also interested in your ideas concerning the feature, and what would 
>you like to eventually see in the upstream.
>Best regards,

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