The plan was that we would all concentrate on the migration and knock it out 
quickly, but stuff happened and we were not able to concentrate on it as fully 
as I would have liked.  I agree that the tests can wait.  What is more many of 
the tests because of local mode have to wait until all of the daemons have been 
ported over.  I really wish there were more hours in the day for me to help out 
more on this. - Bobby 

    On Sunday, July 31, 2016 6:51 PM, Jungtaek Lim <> wrote:

 Hi devs,

Porting to Java seems to be longer than we expected, and now working on
storm-core requires working for Java and Clojure, say twice.
One of reason for port is "lowering learning curve to have more
contributors", but now contributors need to know Clojure to contribute
storm-core targeted for 1.x and "port" to master. It's even harder for me
since I need some time to investigate how things are ported.

Bobby suggested "feature freeze" for 1.x and move to 2.x quickly, but IMO
it will work only when we have due date for 2.0.0 and we all concentrate on
this to release ASAP.
(Sorry I had to break "feature freeze" since metrics improvements are
needed within months.)
Since we're individual and also several different teams, setting a due date
for this seems to be just ideal. Need to find other ways to make transition

Looking into progress of porting to Java, I found that we have ported many
places on source so we only left some (still huge) daemons, but still have
lots of files on test.
Given that ported files should pass Clojure tests, I think porting tests is
not urgent and we can move this out of phase 1.

What do you think?

Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)

ps. Just two cents, I even think it might be valid way to set milestone for
2.0.0 to only phase 1 (with well tested). If Storm 2.0.0 is just a Java
port of Storm 1.x, 1.x users can easily move to 2.0.0 and we can minimize
supporting multi-versions with main language difference. Phase 2 and other
improvements can be on top of 2.0.0. (We may need to have 3.0.0 for that
but I think version bump is not a big deal.)


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