Agree! My suggestions are not all or nothing. They are a set of ideas of which 
we can pick some. In the cases of multiple commits, I would suggest that we try 
to make it that all of them start with the same title STORM-XXX, such that it’s 
easily eye catching. That’s what lead to my suggestion of having a default 
token like STORM-MINOR when there is no JIRA associated with the patch, such 
that we can “group” changes and easily track them down. However, if this is too 
much of a requirement, I am OK with skipping it.


> On Jan 19, 2017, at 9:00 PM, Harsha Chintalapani <> wrote:
>       I am ok with adopting templates but lets keep this process simpler.
> We've new contributors coming in and they probably didn't have chance to go
> through process.
> We can guide them through the process or have strict template that everyone
> needs to adopt to.
>       I don't think having guidelines such as having exactly 1 space after
> the description is helpful to anyone. Its just a PR as long as the title
> reflects the JIRA title and
> JIRA is descriptive enough we all understand whats the patch intends do.
>       We shouldn't be going through loops for opening a PR with
> restrictions such as above.
> Hugo,
>      "STORM-XXX: Title matching exactly the JIRA Summary (title)" this
> looks good to me. But having description details is hard to follow and
> unnecessary.
> regarding Squashing guidelines, we've gone through this discussion and I
> think this should be left to author discretion as they would understand
> what commits are more important.
> Also as reviewers one can suggest to squash the commits if additional
> commits doesn't make sense.
> Thanks,
> Harsha
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 10:29 AM Hugo Da Cruz Louro <>
> wrote:
>> I am strongly +1. In addition to the templates suggested by Jungtaek, in
>> the past I suggested the template bellow to a different project. It is a
>> bit simpler than the ones listed, as I think it may be too demanding to ask
>> people to categorize in the git message the type of contribution the patch
>> is addressing (BUG, Feature, …), if it has docs, if it has tests, etc. I
>> also think that it may make the git message too verbose. That info is
>> contained in the JIRA, and if there is a 1 to 1 mapping between Git commit
>> and JIRA, it’s fairly easy to track down.
>> The PR template is important, but more important, in my opinion, is to
>> have strong guidelines requiring that people squash commits within
>> functional units/features the code is addressing. Furthermore, if the
>> commits are for one JIRA/change (when no JIRA), and there are more than one
>> commit, all should have the same title (STORM-XXX) in it. We should at all
>> costs avoid merging into master extreme cases like 10 commits related to
>> one patch, where 5 or 6 of them are commits along the lines, addressed code
>> review, added tests, cleaned up tests, addressed more code reviews, etc...
>> without even having the STORM-XXX prefix in them.
>> Squashing commits not only will make cherry-pick much easier, but more
>> importantly, if there is a regression, it is very easy to track down which
>> change is causing the regression. Not doing this makes it very hard to
>> track down which change is causing problems.
>> If we agree on some guidelines, I volunteer to update the documentation.
>> STORM-XXX: Title matching exactly the JIRA Summary (title)
>> - An optional, bulleted (+, -, ., *), description of the contents of
>> - the patch. The goal is not to describe the contents of every file,
>> - but rather give a quick overview of the main functional areas
>> - addressed by the patch.
>> The text immediately following the JIRA number (STORM-XXX: ) must be an
>> exact transcription of the JIRA summary (title), not the a summary of the
>> contents of the patch. If the JIRA summary does not accurately describe
>> what the patch is addressing, the JIRA summary must be fixed, and then
>> copied to the Git commit message.
>> A description with the contents of the patch is optional but strongly
>> encouraged if the patch is large and/or the JIRA title is not expressive
>> enough to highlight what the patch is doing. This text must be added
>> bellow, with one empty line of space in between, and be bulleted using one
>> of the following bullet points (+, -, ., *). There must be at last a 1
>> space indent before the bullet char, and exactly one space between bullet
>> char and the first letter of the text. Bullets are not optional but
>> required.
>> For the sake of having a pattern one could grep, or exclude from grep, I
>> suggest that we prefix every commit that does not have a JIRA associated
>> with it with something along the lines:
>> STORM-MINOR: Title summarizing what the patch is addressing.
>> If a description of the change is necessary, it should follow the
>> guidelines above. The squashing guidelines also apply.
>> - Each commit message should have the first line matching the associated
>> JIRA (STORM-XXX, or STORM-MINOR) as described
>> - If possible, one JIRA/change should be one commit.
>> - If the patch is large, and it makes sense to break it into multiple
>> commits to make it easier to understand and cherry-pick (not easy to
>> merge), each commit should represent the functional units/features the code
>> is addressing
>> - During code review it is OK to have multiple commits addressing the
>> changes proposed by the reviewers (also because it makes it easy to track
>> those changes), but once the patch is ready to merge (has enough +1’s), the
>> commits should be squashed according to the guidelines.
>> Thanks,
>> Hugo
>> On Jan 18, 2017, at 6:15 PM, P. Taylor Goetz <<mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>> +1 for adopting a template. Not sure if it is possible, but I wouldn't
>> mind eyeing the same for JIRA.
>> -Taylor
>> On Jan 18, 2017, at 9:10 PM, Jungtaek Lim <<mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>> Hi devs,
>> I have seen some pull requests which are not having JIRA issue, or bad
>> title, or no description for rationale on pull request and issue.
>> We already have but this document covers more than
>> contribution and also not shown while opening pull request.
>> I think we should add pull request template guiding how to create pull
>> request properly. Ideally it can be detailed form but at least it should
>> guide about title, and target branch.
>> Some examples are here:
>> What's your opinion?
>> Thanks,
>> Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)

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