No there is currently no way to do this with the default strategy.  You can 
write your own resource aware strategy to place the workers differently though. 
  You just need to write a class that implements IStrategy.  It can also be 
selected on a per topology basis.

The main reason for doing this is because it reduces the network load 
associated with a topology and hopefully speeds it up as a local transfer is 
much faster than a remote one.
If you are having problems with it then it might mean that we are not 
scheduling for the correct resources.  One big hole that we are aware of is 
network.  If you need/want network as a resource then please let us know.  We 
should be able to at least implement something simple similar to CPU and 
Memory, but a fully functional one that takes the complete network topography 
into account is going to be difficult to do.

- Bobby

On Tuesday, April 11, 2017, 10:32:49 PM CDT, Pracheer Agarwal 
<> wrote:---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pracheer Agarwal <>
Date: Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 9:07 AM
Subject: Distribution of workers across cluster with Resource Aware

Hi All,

We are in the process of migrating to storm version 1.0.3. The pattern that
we observe with resource aware scheduler is that it launches workers on one
single machine till the time machine is resource wise exhausted.  So few of
the machines are fully utilized while few are sitting idle. Can I tune
storm(RAS) to spread the workers across the clusters ? Are there parameters
to control this feature ?


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