CORRECTION: I don't work on multilang for now. "had some works" on
multilang and introduced small changes on multilang protocol.

2018년 2월 2일 (금) 오전 9:12, Jungtaek Lim <>님이 작성:

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> sending mail outside of MS. My previous mail bounced. I just removed CCC
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> 2018년 2월 2일 (금) 오전 9:08, Jungtaek Lim <>님이 작성:
>> Mauro,
>> First of all, thanks for proposing contribution of valuable effort on
>> Apache Storm! Really appreciated.
>> I don't know about C#/.net but I have been working on the change of
>> multilang, so adding my voice here.
>> 1.
>> Major concern from my side for code donation is sustainability. Not sure
>> but according to my experience, most of Storm PMCs and contributors don't
>> look using Windows at their dev. environment. It doesn't strictly mean they
>> don't have experience with C#, but relatively higher chance. I'm sorry to
>> the Azure team, but I recently found a forgotten major pull request on
>> storm-eventhubs, which doesn't look like no one could review and maintain.
>> It might become real pain if we receive the code which we can't/don't
>> maintain, hence I'd rather not vote +1 unless at least two PMCs know C#
>> well, understand the code completely, and willing to volunteer to maintain.
>> 2.
>> As you may know, all of multilang adapters in Storm repo are actually
>> close to "example" of implementations. They're just implementations of the
>> protocol, and don't provide any language specific optimization as well as
>> language-standard code style. Most of Python users in Storm community would
>> rather use StreamParse, and it is not uncommon to see StreamParse question
>> in user group (whereas they have their own Github repo and issue as well).
>> I would like to see adapter (and more) projects really looking attractive
>> for other languages as well.
>> 3.
>> How it affect releasing Storm? We don't publish them as package in its
>> language package environment. If NuGet is one of them, we need to add the
>> sequence of release phase for NuGet while releasing Storm, which was not
>> happened yet, and will become another pain. Moreover, if it's the case, I
>> don't feel needs for having strict coupled between Storm and .net adapter
>> package. For user side it's not a "battery-included" and there's no
>> difference between maintaining inside/outside. You could freely use
>> user/dev list to announce new .net adapter release and such announcements
>> are happening from other projects as well.
>> 4.
>> It's completely a thought on my own, but I feel more needs of having more
>> language-native way of supporting language instead of keep improving
>> multilang. (Not meant to discontinue.) We will introduce streams API in
>> Storm 2.0.0, a higher-level API like Trident but typed and record-to-record
>> processing. We haven't supported Trident in multilang, but I'd like to see
>> support streams API in non-JVM language, not only defining protocol, but
>> also have it as first-class support (users should be able to construct
>> their own topology with only using the language. there's thrift but not
>> that convenient.). IMHO, according to Spark's "Lesson learned" (Databricks
>> had a poll and published it), I think it's really clear that Python should
>> be first (and only, R might be another good to have).
>> Thanks for reading a wall of text. Regardless of whether we could include
>> .net adapter into Storm core or not, thanks again for crafting .net adapter
>> and proposing for donation.
>> Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)
>> 2018년 2월 2일 (금) 오전 2:03, Mauro Giusti <>님이
>> 작성:
>>> Hello Storm devs -
>>> We are working on a project that uses Storm and C# / .net core
>>> components.
>>> As part of that, we would love to contribute to the Storm project with a
>>> multilang protocol sample that uses our C# component/adapter.
>>> The adapter will be a NuGet package, and we intend to publish the source
>>> code of this component as well.
>>> With that in mind, I have two questions:
>>>   *   Would you prefer the code for the .net adapter (not the sample:
>>> that will be on the Storm repo, just the adapter) to be hosted inside the
>>> Storm repo or in a separate GitHub repo? We see pros and cons: we might
>>> need to introduce .net core compilation in the Storm repo if we host the
>>> adapter there, the code will be a bit more scattered and harder to test if
>>> we host the adapter outside.
>>>   *   Can you help us review / answer design questions about our adapter
>>> and the multilang protocol? Is there a specific set of people that is more
>>> knowledgeable about this and/or wants to help in this specific area?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Mauro Giusti
>>> Azure Team, Microsoft.

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