
I would have voted [0] if possible, but only [+1] or [-1] are proposed ;)

Indeed, regarding Docker images, I tend to be reluctant to use
community images appart from OS base ones and built mine based on my
actual needs which are:
1. To use a specific JVM (I'm more found of OpenJ9 - aka IBM Semeru
JRE than HotSpot - aka no matter which)
2. To package only what's needed in my Docker images. Given that the
best practive in the word of containers in to have one process per
container, I would build a image with only Storm process, another one
with only Storm UI, etc (one tickly case is how to mix supervisor and
logview ; and by the way worker processes should be spawned by Storm
process acting as a k8s operator, to be really "cloud native" with k8s

If the goal of the Docker image for which the vote is ran is to
provide an all-in-one image embedding all Storm processes, then I'm
neutral on it, it could help newbies in evaluating Storm...

Given that I'm so undecided, I just confirm [0]
(sorry for putting a mess in this vote)


Le mar. 12 déc. 2023 à 08:31, Richard Zowalla <r...@apache.org> a écrit :
> +1 (think it would be good to "officially" be responsible and
> distribute those on our own instead of relying on 3rd party repos)
> Am Montag, dem 11.12.2023 um 14:57 +0000 schrieb Julien Nioche:
> > Dear Storm community,
> >
> > There was a recent discussion on the dev list [1] about a roadmap for
> > the
> > next release (major or minor). One of the items was to release Docker
> > images for Apache Storm ourselves. There are Docker images but
> > maintained
> > by a third party [2]. By managing the images ourselves, we would have
> > more
> > control on when the images are available and also be able to fix
> > issues
> > quicker.
> >
> > The first step is to ask Infra to give our project seats on DockerHub
> > [3].
> >
> > Could we have a quick vote to make sure everyone is happy to go ahead
> > with this?
> >
> > *[+1] publish Docker images ourselves and ask infra for seats to do
> > so on
> > Dockerhub*
> >
> > *or *
> >
> > *[-1] do not publish Docker images ourselves?*
> >
> > The vote is open for the next 72 hours and will finish on Thursday,
> > December 14 at  3PM UTC.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Julien Nioche
> >
> >
> > [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/g78xg0k1m86m3o9jtj4g6p4cvvz3dhgr
> > [2] https://github.com/31z4/storm-docker
> > [3] https://infra.apache.org/docker-hub-policy.html

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