Hi All,

Here are my findings on CoreOS, past couple of days.

   - No package manager: CoreOS doesn't have a package manager, and expect
   users to use containers (such as Docker) in order to do any real work.
   - It's consisted of Kernel + Containers
   - It inherently supports HA clusters based on a VM discovery mechanism.
   - CoreOS updates get applied automatically.
   - Supports both Docker and nspawn (even light weight than Docker)
   - Uses Systemd
      - System management daemon
      - Services, timers and one-off jobs
      - Logging support through Journal.
   - Uses etcd
      - A key-value database
      - provides service discovery for cluster
      - similar to consul & zookeeper
   - Uses Fleet (similar to Mesos)
      - For cluster level service management
      - Schedules jobs across nodes in a cluster
      - Reschedules units of failure
   - Can initialize from a cloud-config file
   - Uses a discovery endpoint to find out the members of a cluster (we can
   plug our own discovery service).

Also, I was successfully able to spin up a CoreOS cluster in EC2. Further,
I will work on CoreOS-Stratos integration.

Best Regards,

Nirmal Fernando.
PPMC Member & Committer of Apache Stratos,
Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.

Blog: http://nirmalfdo.blogspot.com/

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