Hi All,
    I deployed openstack using devstack with docker support for development
purposes. That works fine. Then, stratos was deployed with openstack as
IaaS. stratos also seems good.
Then, tomcat cartridge was created and when try to subscribe to a
cartridge, new instance is not starting and the following error is given.

Caused by: org.jclouds.http.HttpResponseException: command: POST HTTP/1.1
failed with response: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request; content:
[{"badRequest": {"message": "Invalid key_name provided.", "code": 400}}]

[STRATOS] [2014-08-13 09:11:11,199] ERROR
{org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver} -  Failed to start an
instance. MemberContext [memberId=tomcat.tomcat.domaine8f2991b-3195-4aca
-a70d-c4df889174f0, nodeId=null, clusterId=tomcat.tomcat.domain,
cartridgeType=tomcat, privateIpAddress=null, publicIpAddress=null,
allocatedIpAddress=null, initTime=1407921070771, lbClusterId=null
, networkPartitionId=openstack] Cause: error running 1 node
group(tomcattom) location(RegionOne)
image(2a143fd7-e195-48b2-8771-1adfb1c3e94e) size(2)
options({inboundPorts=[], autoAssignFloatingIp=f
alse, keyPairName=demo, userData=[B@209481cf, configDrive=false})
Execution failures:

Anyone has idea, what going on?

Roshan Deniyage
WSO2, Inc: http://wso2.com

Mobile    :  +94 777636406
Twitter    :  *https://twitter.com/roshku <https://twitter.com/roshku>*
LinkedIn :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/roshandeniyage

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