Hi Akila thanks for the quick answer i think i not use cartbridge agent
because i use default service name in the puppet agent, is there is anyway
to extend that time, maybe changing some parameter.


2014-08-16 1:29 GMT-03:00 Akila Ravihansa Perera <raviha...@wso2.com>:

> Hi Ignacio,
> It seems Stratos is killing those instances because they have not
> activated within the given timeout period (15mins in default).
> Make sure cartridge agent is running in the instances and ports given in
> cartridge definition (8280, 8243) are active. Agent will blockingly wait
> until all ports become active to publish instance activated event.
> Thanks.
>  I configure stratos with all the step and the step 6 multitenant
> services create two instances but then when i logged Stratos kill the
> instances of EC2, why stratos have this behaviour, i provide the scripts:
> (Step 1) Partition:
> {
>   "id": "zone-1",
>   "provider": "ec2",
>   "property": [
>     {
>       "name": "region",
>       "value": "us-west-2"
>     },
>     {
>       "name": "zone",
>       "value": "us-west-2a"
>     }
>   ]
> }
> (Step 2) Auto-scaling:
> {
>   "id": "economyPolicy",
>   "loadThresholds": {
>     "requestsInFlight": {
>       "average": 40
>     },
>     "memoryConsumption": {
>       "average": 100
>     },
>     "loadAverage": {
>       "average": 100
>     }
>   }
> }
> (Step 3) Deployment:
> {
>     "id":"economyDeployment",
>     "partitionGroup":{
>        "id":"ec2-region1",
>        "partitionAlgo":"one-after-another",
>        "partition":[
>             {
>               "id":"zone-1",
>               "partitionMax":"2",
>               "partitionMin":"1"
>             }
>         ]
>     }
> }
> (Step 4) Load-balancer:
> {
>     "type":"lb",
>     "provider":"lb",
>     "host":"puppet.stratos",
>     "displayName":"load balancer",
>     "description":"LB Cartridge",
>     "version":"4",
>     "defaultAutoscalingPolicy":"economyPolicy",
>     "multiTenant":"true",
>     "portMapping":[
>          {
>             "protocol":"http",
>             "port":"8280",
>             "proxyPort":"8280"
>          },
>          {
>             "protocol":"https",
>             "port":"8243",
>             "proxyPort":"8243"
>          }
>     ],
>     "iaasProvider":[
>          {
>             "type":"ec2",
>             "imageId":"us-west-2/ami-2ef39a1e",
>             "maxInstanceLimit":"1",
>             "property":[
>                {
>                   "name":"instanceType",
>                   "value":"m1.small"
>                },
>                {
>                   "name":"keyPair",
>                   "value":"sv-rd"
>                }
>             ]
>          }
>     ],
>     "property":[
>          {
>             "name":"load.balancer",
>             "value":"true"
>          }
>     ]
> }
> (Step 5) CentOS- cartridge:
> {
>   "type": "centos",
>   "provider": "centos",
>   "host": "puppet.stratos",
>   "displayName": "centos",
>   "description": "CentOS Cartridge",
>   "version": "6",
>   "multiTenant": "true",
>   "portMapping": [
>     {
>       "protocol": "http",
>       "port": "80",
>       "proxyPort": "8280"
>     }
>   ],
>   "deployment": {},
>   "iaasProvider": [
>     {
>       "type": "ec2",
>       "imageId": "us-west-2/ami-85ade8b5",
>       "property": [
>         {
>            "name":"instanceType",
>            "value":"m1.small"
>         },
>         {
>            "name":"keyPair",
>            "value":"sv-rd"
>         }
>       ]
>     }
>   ],
>     "loadBalancer":{
>          "type":"lb",
>          "property":{
>             "name":"default.load.balancer",
>             "value":"true"
>          }
>     }
> }
> (Step 6) Multitenant - Cartridge:
> {
>   "serviceName": "appserver",
>   "cartridgeType": "centos",
>   "deploymentPolicyName": "economyDeployment",
>   "autoscalingPolicyName": "economyPolicy",
>   "clusterDomain": "strongview",
>   "clusterSubDomain": "centos",
>   "tenantRange": "*"
> }
> and the log is tell me
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:43:50,229]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.autoscale
> r.client.cloud.controller.CloudControllerClient} -  Trying to spawn an
> instance
> via cloud controller: [cluster] centospuppet.stratos.domain [partition]
> zone-1 [
> lb-cluster] lbpuppet.stratos.domain [network-partition-id] ec2-region1
> {org.apac
> he.stratos.autoscaler.client.cloud.controller.CloudControllerClient}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:44:09,150]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.cloud.con
> troller.impl.CloudControllerServiceImpl} -  Instance is successfully
> starting up
> . MemberContext
> [memberId=centospuppet.stratos.domain97f7e4ad-5f87-46cd-8ffa-161
> 4494e73d7, nodeId=us-west-2/i-b59cdab8,
> clusterId=centospuppet.stratos.domain, c
> artridgeType=centos, privateIpAddress=null, publicIpAddress=null,
> allocatedIpAdd
> ress=null, initTime=1408139030230, lbClusterId=lbpuppet.stratos.domain,
> networkP
> artitionId=ec2-region1]
> {org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.impl.CloudControlle
> rServiceImpl}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:44:09,152]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.cloud.con
> troller.impl.CloudControllerServiceImpl} -  Retrieving Public IP Address :
> Membe
> rContext
> [memberId=centospuppet.stratos.domain97f7e4ad-5f87-46cd-8ffa-1614494e73
> d7, nodeId=us-west-2/i-b59cdab8, clusterId=centospuppet.stratos.domain,
> cartridg
> eType=centos, privateIpAddress=null, publicIpAddress=,
> allocatedIp
> Address=null, initTime=1408139030230, lbClusterId=lbpuppet.stratos.domain,
> netwo
> rkPartitionId=ec2-region1]
> {org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.impl.CloudContro
> llerServiceImpl}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:44:09,153]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.cloud.con
> troller.impl.CloudControllerServiceImpl} -  Retrieving Private IP Address.
> Membe
> rContext
> [memberId=centospuppet.stratos.domain97f7e4ad-5f87-46cd-8ffa-1614494e73
> d7, nodeId=us-west-2/i-b59cdab8, clusterId=centospuppet.stratos.domain,
> cartridg
> eType=centos, privateIpAddress=,
> publicIpAddress=, al
> locatedIpAddress=null, initTime=1408139030230,
> lbClusterId=lbpuppet.stratos.doma
> in, networkPartitionId=ec2-region1] {
> org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.impl.Cl
> oudControllerServiceImpl}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:44:09,195]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.cloud.con
> troller.topology.TopologyEventPublisher} -  Publishing instance spawned
> event: [
> service] centos [cluster] centospuppet.stratos.domain [network-partition]
> ec2-re
> gion1 [partition] zone-1 [member]
> centospuppet.stratos.domain97f7e4ad-5f87-46cd-
> 8ffa-1614494e73d7 [lb-cluster-id] lbpuppet.stratos.domain {
> org.apache.stratos.cl
> oud.controller.topology.TopologyEventPublisher}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:44:09,198]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.messaging
> .message.processor.topology.InstanceSpawnedMessageProcessor} -  Member
> created:
> [service] centos [cluster] centospuppet.stratos.domain [member]
> centospuppet.str
> atos.domain97f7e4ad-5f87-46cd-8ffa-1614494e73d7 {
> org.apache.stratos.messaging.me
> ssage.processor.topology.InstanceSpawnedMessageProcessor}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:44:09,199]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.manager.t
> opology.receiver.StratosManagerTopologyEventReceiver} -
>  [InstanceSpawnedEventLi
> stener] Received: class
> org.apache.stratos.messaging.event.topology.InstanceSpaw
> nedEvent
> {org.apache.stratos.manager.topology.receiver.StratosManagerTopologyEve
> ntReceiver}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:44:09,199]  WARN
> {org.apache.stratos.messaging
> .message.processor.topology.InstanceSpawnedMessageProcessor} -  Member
> already e
> xists: [service] centos [cluster] centospuppet.stratos.domain [member]
> centospup
> pet.stratos.domain97f7e4ad-5f87-46cd-8ffa-1614494e73d7
> {org.apache.stratos.messa
> ging.message.processor.topology.InstanceSpawnedMessageProcessor}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:45:55,902]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.autoscale
> r.PartitionContext} -  Pending state of member:
> lbpuppet.stratos.domain5ea49353-
> ce4e-4817-b8d5-399e52250f12 is expired. Adding as an obsoleted member.
> {org.apac
> he.stratos.autoscaler.PartitionContext}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:10,066]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.autoscale
> r.client.cloud.controller.CloudControllerClient} -  Terminating instance
> via clo
> ud controller: [member]
> lbpuppet.stratos.domain5ea49353-ce4e-4817-b8d5-399e52250
> f12
> {org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.client.cloud.controller.CloudControllerClient
> }
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:10,082]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.cloud.con
> troller.impl.CloudControllerServiceImpl} -  Starting to terminate an
> instance wi
> th member id : lbpuppet.stratos.domain5ea49353-ce4e-4817-b8d5-399e52250f12
> in pa
> rtition id: zone-1 of cluster id: lbpuppet.stratos.domain and of cartridge
> type:
>  lb {org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.impl.CloudControllerServiceImpl}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:10,083]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.autoscale
> r.client.cloud.controller.CloudControllerClient} -  Trying to spawn an
> instance
> via cloud controller: [cluster] lbpuppet.stratos.domain [partition] zone-1
> [lb-c
> luster] null [network-partition-id] ec2-region1
> {org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.c
> lient.cloud.controller.CloudControllerClient}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:11,202]  WARN {jclouds.compute} -  <<
> not a
> pi visible instances([{region=us-west-2, name=i-c79cdaca}])
> {jclouds.compute}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:28,433]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.cloud.con
> troller.impl.CloudControllerServiceImpl} -  Instance is successfully
> starting up
> . MemberContext
> [memberId=lbpuppet.stratos.domainba2a3b4f-f78d-4386-b1a3-fdad48a
> cb654, nodeId=us-west-2/i-c79cdaca, clusterId=lbpuppet.stratos.domain,
> cartridge
> Type=lb, privateIpAddress=null, publicIpAddress=null,
> allocatedIpAddress=null, i
> nitTime=1408139170083, lbClusterId=null, networkPartitionId=ec2-region1]
> {org.ap
> ache.stratos.cloud.controller.impl.CloudControllerServiceImpl}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:28,434]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.cloud.con
> troller.impl.CloudControllerServiceImpl} -  Retrieving Public IP Address :
> Membe
> rContext
> [memberId=lbpuppet.stratos.domainba2a3b4f-f78d-4386-b1a3-fdad48acb654,
> nodeId=us-west-2/i-c79cdaca, clusterId=lbpuppet.stratos.domain,
> cartridgeType=lb
> , privateIpAddress=null, publicIpAddress=,
> allocatedIpAddress=null,
> initTime=1408139170083, lbClusterId=null, networkPartitionId=ec2-region1]
> {org.a
> pache.stratos.cloud.controller.impl.CloudControllerServiceImpl}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:28,434]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.cloud.con
> troller.impl.CloudControllerServiceImpl} -  Retrieving Private IP Address.
> Membe
> rContext
> [memberId=lbpuppet.stratos.domainba2a3b4f-f78d-4386-b1a3-fdad48acb654,
> nodeId=us-west-2/i-c79cdaca, clusterId=lbpuppet.stratos.domain,
> cartridgeType=lb
> , privateIpAddress=, publicIpAddress=,
> allocatedIpAddres
> s=null, initTime=1408139170083, lbClusterId=null,
> networkPartitionId=ec2-region1
> ] {org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.impl.CloudControllerServiceImpl}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:28,480]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.cloud.con
> troller.topology.TopologyEventPublisher} -  Publishing instance spawned
> event: [
> service] lb [cluster] lbpuppet.stratos.domain [network-partition]
> ec2-region1 [p
> artition] zone-1 [member]
> lbpuppet.stratos.domainba2a3b4f-f78d-4386-b1a3-fdad48a
> cb654 [lb-cluster-id] null
> {org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.topology.Topolog
> yEventPublisher}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:28,483]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.messaging
> .message.processor.topology.InstanceSpawnedMessageProcessor} -  Member
> created:
> [service] lb [cluster] lbpuppet.stratos.domain [member]
> lbpuppet.stratos.domainb
> a2a3b4f-f78d-4386-b1a3-fdad48acb654
> {org.apache.stratos.messaging.message.proces
> sor.topology.InstanceSpawnedMessageProcessor}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:28,484]  WARN
> {org.apache.stratos.messaging
> .message.processor.topology.InstanceSpawnedMessageProcessor} -  Member
> already e
> xists: [service] lb [cluster] lbpuppet.stratos.domain [member]
> lbpuppet.stratos.
> domainba2a3b4f-f78d-4386-b1a3-fdad48acb654
> {org.apache.stratos.messaging.message
> .processor.topology.InstanceSpawnedMessageProcessor}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:28,484]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.manager.t
> opology.receiver.StratosManagerTopologyEventReceiver} -
>  [InstanceSpawnedEventLi
> stener] Received: class
> org.apache.stratos.messaging.event.topology.InstanceSpaw
> nedEvent
> {org.apache.stratos.manager.topology.receiver.StratosManagerTopologyEve
> ntReceiver}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:45,264]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.cloud.con
> troller.impl.CloudControllerServiceImpl} -  Member is terminated:
> MemberContext
> [memberId=lbpuppet.stratos.domain5ea49353-ce4e-4817-b8d5-399e52250f12,
> nodeId=us
> -west-2/i-b195d3bc, clusterId=lbpuppet.stratos.domain, cartridgeType=lb,
> private
> IpAddress=, publicIpAddress=,
> allocatedIpAddress=null,
> initTime=1408138251888, lbClusterId=null, networkPartitionId=ec2-region1]
> {org.a
> pache.stratos.cloud.controller.impl.CloudControllerServiceImpl}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:45,291]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.cloud.con
> troller.topology.TopologyEventPublisher} -  Publishing member terminated
> event:
> [service] lb [cluster] lbpuppet.stratos.domain [network-partition]
> ec2-region1 [
> partition] zone-1 [member]
> lbpuppet.stratos.domain5ea49353-ce4e-4817-b8d5-399e52
> 250f12
> {org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.topology.TopologyEventPublisher}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:45,294]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.messaging
> .message.processor.topology.MemberTerminatedMessageProcessor} -  Member
> terminat
> ed: [service] lb [cluster] lbpuppet.stratos.domain [member]
> lbpuppet.stratos.dom
> ain5ea49353-ce4e-4817-b8d5-399e52250f12 {
> org.apache.stratos.messaging.message.pr
> ocessor.topology.MemberTerminatedMessageProcessor}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:45,296]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.manager.t
> opology.receiver.StratosManagerTopologyEventReceiver} -
>  [MemberTerminatedEventL
> istener] Received: class
> org.apache.stratos.messaging.event.topology.MemberTermi
> natedEvent
> {org.apache.stratos.manager.topology.receiver.StratosManagerTopologyE
> ventReceiver}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:45,297]  WARN
> {org.apache.stratos.messaging
> .message.processor.topology.MemberTerminatedMessageProcessor} -  Member
> already
> terminated: [service] lb [cluster] lbpuppet.stratos.domain [member]
> lbpuppet.str
> atos.domain5ea49353-ce4e-4817-b8d5-399e52250f12 {
> org.apache.stratos.messaging.me
> ssage.processor.topology.MemberTerminatedMessageProcessor}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:45,299]  WARN
> {org.apache.stratos.autoscale
> r.message.receiver.topology.AutoscalerTopologyEventReceiver} -  Member is
> not av
> ailable in any of the list active, pending and termination pending
> {org.apache.s
> tratos.autoscaler.message.receiver.topology.AutoscalerTopologyEventReceiver}
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-08-15 21:46:45,299]  INFO
> {org.apache.stratos.autoscale
> r.message.receiver.topology.AutoscalerTopologyEventReceiver} -  Member
> stat cont
> ext has been removed successfully: [member]
> lbpuppet.stratos.domain5ea49353-ce4e
> -4817-b8d5-399e52250f12
> {org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.message.receiver.topology
> .AutoscalerTopologyEventReceiver}
> Thanks
> Ignacio

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