Have you tried to run this config lately (since last Friday) against the latest 
grouping-4.0.0 code – my configuration looked similar but started to fail since 
I pulled the latest code from the grouping-4.0.0 branch last week Friday 



From: isu...@wso2.com [mailto:isu...@wso2.com] On Behalf Of Isuru Haththotuwa
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2014 10:31 AM
To: Martin Eppel (meppel)
Cc: Isuru Haththotuwa; dev@stratos.apache.org; Reka Thirunavukkarasu 
Subject: Re: className in cartridge definition (branch 4.0.0-grouping)

Attached a sample cartridge definition. I didn't specifically check this with 
OpenStack, but should work.

On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 10:48 PM, Martin Eppel (meppel) 
<mep...@cisco.com<mailto:mep...@cisco.com>> wrote:
No changes to local code, it might be a missing parameter in the cartridge 
definition but I don’t know what it needs to be -  do you have an example of 
the cartridge definitions (json) you deploy for the grouping branch, it might 
help to figure out what I am missing in my json ?



From: isu...@wso2.com<mailto:isu...@wso2.com> 
[mailto:isu...@wso2.com<mailto:isu...@wso2.com>] On Behalf Of Isuru Haththotuwa
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2014 10:16 AM
To: Martin Eppel (meppel)
Cc: dev@stratos.apache.org<mailto:dev@stratos.apache.org>; Reka 
Thirunavukkarasu (r...@wso2.com<mailto:r...@wso2.com>)
Subject: Re: className in cartridge definition (branch 4.0.0-grouping)

Hi Martin,
Sorry for the delayed response.
I do not recall seeing this. Do you have any local modifications to the code? 
From the initial look, it seems a validation failure; There is a mandatory id, 
which is missing in this case.

On Sat, Oct 4, 2014 at 5:44 AM, Martin Eppel (meppel) 
<mep...@cisco.com<mailto:mep...@cisco.com>> wrote:
Ok, I fixed it (using the full class name helps) but now jcloud is complaining 
of a missing id, any idea which property or field is missing or incorrect (and 
what might be the corresponding property in openstack, is it “Identity: null” 
?) ?

Any json example for 4.1 (or 4.0.0-grouping) openstack cartridge definitions ?



IaaS:  [ Type: openstack-Core, Name: null, Class Name: 
org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.iaases.OpenstackNovaIaas, Image Id: 
RegionOne/17e9f85b-a849-4c56-9756-6d0f8010e97a, Max Instance Limit: 4, 
Provider: null, Identity: null, Credentials: null, Properties: Property 
[name=instanceType, value=RegionOne/81a58aa9-af04-488f-81d1-e529cdc14235] | 
Property [name=keyPair, value=phoenix] | Property [name=autoAssignIp, 
value=false] | Property [name=securityGroups, value=default] |  ]  |
Properties: Property [name=payload_parameter.MB_IP, 
value=octl.qmog.cisco.com<http://octl.qmog.cisco.com>] | Property 
[name=payload_parameter.MB_PORT, value=61616] | Property 
value=octl.qmog.cisco.com<http://octl.qmog.cisco.com>] | Property 
[name=payload_parameter.CEP_PORT, value=7611] | Property 
value=/opt/apache-stratos-cartridge-agent/security/client-truststore.jks] | 
Property [name=payload_parameter.TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD, value=wso2carbon] | 
Property [name=payload_parameter.ENABLE_DATA_PUBLISHER, value=false] | Property 
value=octl.qmog.cisco.com<http://octl.qmog.cisco.com>] | Property 
[name=payload_parameter.MONITORING_SERVER_PORT, value=0] | Property 
[name=payload_parameter.MONITORING_SERVER_SECURE_PORT, value=0] | Property 
[name=payload_parameter.MONITORING_SERVER_ADMIN_USERNAME, value=xxxx] | 
Property [name=payload_parameter.MONITORING_SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD, value=xxxx] 
| Property [name=payload_parameter.SIMPLE_PROPERTY, value=value] |  
TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2014-10-03 23:55:10,731] ERROR 
{org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.util.CloudControllerUtil} -  Unable to 
build the jclouds object for iaas of type: openstack-Core 
java.lang.NullPointerException: id must be defined
        at org.jclouds.providers.Providers.withId(Providers.java:99)
        at org.jclouds.ContextBuilder.newBuilder(ContextBuilder.java:167)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
From: Martin Eppel (meppel)
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2014 4:08 PM
To: dev@stratos.apache.org<mailto:dev@stratos.apache.org>
Cc: Isuru Haththotuwa (isu...@wso2.com<mailto:isu...@wso2.com>); Reka 
Thirunavukkarasu (r...@wso2.com<mailto:r...@wso2.com>)
Subject: className in cartridge definition (branch 4.0.0-grouping)


I just noticed that in the 4.0.0-grouping branch (after updating the branch 
today morning ) we added a check for the className in the cartridge definition. 
If it’s not defined an exception is being thrown. In 4.0.0 branch we just 
checked if it != null and set the Class but did not thorw an excecption. My 
question is what needs to be set for the className property ?

I tried to set "className" : "OpenstackNovaIaas", but it failed with an 
exception, I posted the IaaSProvider json below,

Any clues what needs to be done  ?



    "iaasProvider": [
            "type": "openstack-Core",
            "imageId": "RegionOne/17e9f85b-a849-4c56-9756-6d0f8010e97a",
            "maxInstanceLimit": "4",
            "className" : "OpenstackNovaIaas",
            "property": [
                    "name": "instanceType",
                    "value": "RegionOne/m1.medium"
                    "name": "keyPair",
                    "value": "phoenix"
                    "name": "autoAssignIp",
                    "value": "false"
                    "name": "securityGroups",
                    "value": "default"
            "networkInterfaces": [
                    "networkUuid": "83a1711a-d99d-4a13-bebc-a7dad39c11a4"

Thanks and Regards,

Isuru H.
+94 716 358 048


Thanks and Regards,

Isuru H.

+94 716 358 048<tel:%2B94%20716%20358%20048>

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