I would like to discuss what it would take to achieve 100% uptime for stratos 
in a production environment (aiming high to reach the five nines) -  if it had 
been discussed before please point me to the email thread.

The goal is to identify recommended deployment scenarios and possible 
shortcomings (or readiness ) to reach  five nines.

This includes the following scenarios:
+ maintenance cycles,
+ upgrades,
+ hardware and software failures
+ scalability
+ ... ?

Generally, it seems the suggested system model to reach 100% uptime (or the 
highest possible uptime) is a n way redundancy model with multiple active / 
standby assignments.

I looked in the HA for 4.1,  see web link 

Stratos allows for 2 deployment models, single JVM and distributed deployment 

Which one will be better suited to reach the stated goal of 100% uptime / n way 
redundancy model ?

According  the link (and please correct me if I am wrong), it seems that 
currently the components to allow n-way redundancy are:

+ BAM (doc is not updated yet, see 
https://docs.wso2.com/display/CLUSTER420/Clustering+BAM+2.5.0  ?

+ core component (Manager, Autoscaler, Cloud controller) in active/passive mode 
through Linux HA
   RDBMS used for registry needs to support n-way redundancy as well

+ ActiveMq
   multiple models suggested, Zookeeper,  shared DB or shared file systems. 
Which one would be recommended to achieve h-way redundancy ?

CEP seems to allow a 2 node configuration only or is there support for n-way 
redundancy ?

Stratos Load Balancer, lists some caveat like session affinity not supported in 
distributed environment, n-way ready ?

Any other component I have missed ?

What are the missing pieces to reach n-way redundancy (or 100% uptime) ?

Are there any other models to reach the stated goal and what would it take to 
get stratos there ?



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