Hi Jeffrey,

Please see my comments inline.

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 12:44 AM, Jeffrey Nguyen (jeffrngu) <
jeffr...@cisco.com> wrote:

>  Hi Rajkumar,
>  Looks like you made some very good progress on this enhancement.  I have
> the following comments/questions:
>    - Currently Stratos uses the property named "autoAssignIp" in
>    cartridge json to decide whether it needs to allocate floating IP for a
>    given instance.  Is that still valid regardless of whether
>    "openstack.networking.provider" is set to neutron or not?
> Yes. This is still valid. You have to set autoAssignIp to false, if you
want stratos to assign floating IPs. The only difference is, you will
specify the predefined floating IP in floating networks section, not in
property section.

>    - I don't understand why we need to support more than one floating IP
>    per NIC.   On the Openstack horizon GUI, it looks like you can only
>    associate one floating IP per port/NIC.
> I thought we could assign multiple floating IPs from multiple different
floating networks to a specific port. But I am not sure whether it is
supported by openstack. So having this feature is  not a harm right? In
case if openstack supports this, we don't have to change it again. wdyt?

>    - It seems to me Stratos doesn't currently support IPv6 in this
>    context.  If it's possible, can we should put in some ground work such as
>    allowing user to indicate whether IP is in IPv4 or IPv6 notation?   Not
>    sure if this is the right context, or should it be in a global level like
>    cloud-controll.xml.
> Yes. It would be good to put some effort on this as well. Let me see if I
can do something here.


> Regards,
> -Jeffrey
>   From: Rajkumar Rajaratnam <rajkum...@wso2.com>
> Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 7:05 AM
> To: "dev@stratos.apache.org" <dev@stratos.apache.org>
> Cc: jeffrngu <jeffr...@cisco.com>, "Matt Turner (matttur)" <
> matt...@cisco.com>
> Subject: Re: Assigning floating IPs to any interfaces of our choice
>    Missed to add some important stuffs.
>  This feature is only for openstack with neutron networking environment.
> You need to set a property in cloud-controller xml to specify whether you
> are using neutron network or not.
>                 <iaasProvider type="openstack" name="openstack specific
> details">
> <className>org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.iaases.OpenstackNovaIaas</className>
>                         <provider>openstack-nova</provider>
>                          ------
>                         <property name="openstack.networking.provider"
> value="neutron" />
>  If this property is set to neutron, then you will be able use the
> implemented feature. If not, the old solution (using nova API) will work,
> where you can only assign one floating IPs to the 1st interface only.
>  So this feature is not breaking any of the existing features. You can
> still use stratos will with old nova networking API for openstack with nova
> networking environment.
>  One difference you can notice that we have to define predefined floating
> IPs inside each floating networks. We can't use the floating IP defined in
> property section.
>  However, if you are not using openstack with neutron, you can still pass
> the floating IP in property section and get this assigned to the 1st
> interface as earlier.
>  Let me know if you need any clarification.
>  Thanks.
> On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 7:01 PM, Rajkumar Rajaratnam <rajkum...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>>    Hi all,
>>  I have implemented this feature and it is fully functional now. I had to
>> upgrade Jclouds version to 1.8.1 in order to implement it using neutron
>> networking API.
>>  Let me explain how it works now. I will past network interfaces section
>> of cartridge definition and explain each features implemented here.
>>  "networkInterfaces":[
>>     {
>>         "name":"eth0",
>>         "networkUuid":"512e1f54-1e85-4dac-b2e6-f0b30fc552cf",
>>         "floatingNetworks":[
>>             {
>>                 "name":"externalOne",
>>                 "networkUuid":"ba667f72-7ba8-4b24-b360-b74a0211c83c"
>>             }
>>         ]
>>     },
>> // eth0 will get a fixed IP and a floating IP from floating network 
>> externalOne
>>     {
>>         "name":"eth1",
>>         "networkUuid":"68aab21d-fc9a-4c2f-8d15-b1e41f6f7bb8"
>>     },
>> // eth1 will get a fixed IP
>>     {
>>         "name":"eth2",
>>         "networkUuid":"b55f009a-1cc6-4b17-924f-4ae0ee18db5e",
>>         "floatingNetworks":[
>>             {
>>                 "name":"externalThree",
>>                 "floatingIP" : ""
>>             }
>>         ]
>>     },
>> // eth2 will get a fixed IP and a predefined floating IP
>> // if predefined IP is not available, an exception will be thrown
>>     {
>>         "name":"eth3",
>>         "networkUuid":"d343d343-1cc6-4b17-924f-4ae0ee18db5e",
>>         "floatingNetworks":[
>>             {
>>                 "name":"externalThree",
>>                 "networkUuid":"ba667f72-7ba8-4b24-b360-b74a0211c83c",
>>                 "floatingIP" : ""
>>             }
>>         ]
>>     },
>> // eth3 will get a fixed IP and a floating IP from the floating network 
>> externalThree
>> // point here is that we are giving priority to networkUuid to floatingIP
>>     {
>>         "name":"eth4",
>>         "portUuid":"d343d343-1cc6-4b17-924f-4ae0ee18db5e",
>>         "fixedIp":"",
>>         "floatingNetworks":[
>>             {
>>                 "name":"external",
>>                 "networkUuid":"ba667f72-7ba8-4b24-b360-b74a0211c83c",
>>                 "floatingIP" : ""
>>             }
>>         ]
>>     },
>> // eth4 will get a predefined private IP and a floating IP from 
>> network external
>>     {
>>         "name":"eth5",
>>         "networkUuid":"d343d343-1cc6-4b17-924f-4ae0ee18db5e",
>>         "floatingNetworks":[
>>             {
>>                 "name":"externalOne",
>>                 "networkUuid":"ba667f72-7ba8-4b24-b360-b74a0211c83c",
>>                 "floatingIP" : ""
>>             },
>>             {
>>                 "name":"externalTwo",
>>                 "networkUuid":"sddsdsd-7ba8-4b24-b360-b74a0211c83c",
>>             }
>>         ]
>>     }
>> // eth5 will get a fixed IP and a predefined floating IP
>> // and a floating IP from the floating network externalTwo as well
>> // I couldn't test whether it is supported by openstack
>> // if openstack supports this, you can also achieve it in stratos
>> ]
>>  Please have look at the comments given in each network interfaces
>> definition.
>>  And if you define multiple network interfaces and floating networks, if
>> even one IP allocation goes wrong, I am throwing exception and kill the
>> instance.
>>  Having this implemented, now I am in the process of doing changes to
>> some topology events to incorporate multiple private/public IP addresses.
>>  Please feel free to share your concerns.
>>  Thanks.
>> On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 7:14 PM, Rajkumar Rajaratnam <rajkum...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>>  Update;
>>> On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 3:44 PM, Rajkumar Rajaratnam <rajkum...@wso2.com
>>> > wrote:
>>>>  Update;
>>>> Currently facing an issue with upstream openstack-neutron-1.8.1.jar.
>>>> When I see the MANIFEST.MF file of openstack-neutron-1.8.1.jar, it
>>>> contains ${jclouds.version} in lot of places instead of actual version. Due
>>>> to this carbon feature installation is failing. Because it is processing
>>>> MANIFEST.MF and throwing number format exception.
>>>>  I conveyed this in user@jclouds. For workaround, I am going to
>>>> manually put the jar into /repository/components/lib and continue the work
>>>> until it is sorted out in upstream.
>>>  This is a bug. One sent a PR to solve it
>>>  Thanks.
>>>>  Thanks.
>>>> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 4:48 PM, Rajkumar Rajaratnam <
>>>> rajkum...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Udara Liyanage <ud...@wso2.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Raj,
>>>>>>  No I did not try since there were no multiple public networks
>>>>>> available.
>>>>>  Okay Udara. I am setting up a second external network now. Will run
>>>>> a test soon.
>>>>>  Thanks.
>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 2:59 PM, Rajkumar Rajaratnam <
>>>>>> rajkum...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Udara Liyanage <ud...@wso2.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Raj,
>>>>>>>>  If I remember correctly, we can't assign folating ip to the same
>>>>>>>> port multiple times even I try with Openstack UI.
>>>>>>>  Horizon UI doesn't support most of the operations. Yes we can't
>>>>>>> assign multiple floating IPs from the same external network to the same
>>>>>>> port. But I guess, we can assign multiple floating IPs from different
>>>>>>> external network to the same port. Did you try this scenario?
>>>>>>>  Thanks.
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 2:47 PM, Rajkumar Rajaratnam <
>>>>>>>> rajkum...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Devs,
>>>>>>>>>  I am working on $Subject. Please find the relevant JIRA at [1]
>>>>>>>>>  Currently Stratos will assign a floating IP to eth0 if
>>>>>>>>> *autoAssignIp* property is set to false in cartridge definition.
>>>>>>>>> AFAIU, stratos is using jclouds API to query the available floating 
>>>>>>>>> IPs,
>>>>>>>>> choose one and assign it to the instance. Correct me if this is not 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> case.
>>>>>>>>>  In order to support $Subject, I am proposing the cartridge
>>>>>>>>> definition as below;
>>>>>>>>>    {    "type":"mysql",   "provider":"data",   "host":"
>>>>>>>>> apachestratos.org",   "displayName":"MySQL",   "description":"MySQL
>>>>>>>>> Cartridge",   "version":"5.5",   "multiTenant":"false",   "
>>>>>>>>> portMapping":[    {    "protocol":"http",   "port":"80",   "
>>>>>>>>> proxyPort":"8280"   }   ],   "deployment":{       },   "
>>>>>>>>> iaasProvider":[    {    "type":"openstack",   "imageId":"
>>>>>>>>> RegionOne/1cd412c1-54ce-405f-9894-ce1387073c6c",   "
>>>>>>>>> networkInterfaces":[    {    "name":"netOne",   "networkUuid":"
>>>>>>>>> 84d52a6d-a9e5-472a-9935-a0e195fe5b4a",   "fixedIp":""   },   {
>>>>>>>>>    "name":"netTwo",   "networkUuid":"
>>>>>>>>> 512e1f54-1e85-4dac-b2e6-f0b30fc552cf",   "publicNetworkUuids":[
>>>>>>>>> {   "name":"externalOne",   "networkUuid":"
>>>>>>>>> 8f08a69d-cb46-43c9-9ebe-b89dcc78dacc",   },   {   "name":"
>>>>>>>>> externalTwo",   "networkUuid":"
>>>>>>>>> b5504321-e7aa-4500-9e00-7bc1b10cb5e9",   }   ]   },   {    "name":
>>>>>>>>> "netThree",   "networkUuid":"b55f009a-1cc6-4b17-924f-4ae0ee18db5e"
>>>>>>>>> ,   "publicNetworkUuids":[   {   "name":"externalThree",   "
>>>>>>>>> networkUuid":"83d52a6d-a9e5-572a-9935-a0e195fe5b4r",   }   ]   }
>>>>>>>>> ],   "maxInstanceLimit":"4",   "property":[    {    "name":"
>>>>>>>>> instanceType",   "value":"RegionOne/4"   },   {    "name":"keyPair
>>>>>>>>> ",   "value":"raj"   },   {    "name":"autoAssignIp",   "value":"
>>>>>>>>> false"   }   ]   }   ],   "loadBalancer":{    "type":"lb",   "
>>>>>>>>> property":{    "name":"no.load.balancer",   "value":"true"   }   }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>  So, I have introduced some additional elements here in networks
>>>>>>>>> section. publicNetworkUuids will hold one or many external network 
>>>>>>>>> UUIDs
>>>>>>>>> from where you want to select one IP and assign it the corresponding
>>>>>>>>> interface. Let list me three behaviors, as of now, I have identified.
>>>>>>>>>    1. If *autoAssignIp* property is *true*, stratos will not do
>>>>>>>>>    anything regarding floating IPs when creating instances for this 
>>>>>>>>> cartridge.
>>>>>>>>>    But openstack will assign a floating IP to the instance.
>>>>>>>>>    2. If *autoAssignIp* property is *false*, and you *don't *specify
>>>>>>>>>    any publicNetworkUuids for any interface, then stratos will assign 
>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>    floating IP to the 1st interface
>>>>>>>>>    3. If *autoAssignIp* property is *false*, and you
>>>>>>>>>    specify publicNetworkUuids, then stratos will assign floating IPs 
>>>>>>>>> per
>>>>>>>>>    interfaces for which you specified publicNetworkUuids. If you 
>>>>>>>>> specify
>>>>>>>>>    two publicNetworkUuids for an interface, it will assign two 
>>>>>>>>> floating IPs to
>>>>>>>>>    that interface and so on.
>>>>>>>>>  However, I tried to assign two floating IP addresses to an
>>>>>>>>> interface which resulted in the following error.
>>>>>>>>>  *Error: *409-{u'NeutronError': {u'message': u'Cannot associate
>>>>>>>>> floating IP (5691eb81-3153-4ee1-b9d0-31fc84516b03) with 
>>>>>>>>> port
>>>>>>>>> 7e9416ce-5077-44c4-97db-b4b14c10dfc9 using fixed IP, as 
>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>> fixed IP already has a floating IP on external network
>>>>>>>>> ba667f72-7ba8-4b24-b360-b74a0211c83c.', u'type':
>>>>>>>>> u'FloatingIPPortAlreadyAssociated', u'detail': u''}}
>>>>>>>>>  I guess we can't assign multiple floating IPs to the same
>>>>>>>>> interface from same network. We would be able to assign multiple 
>>>>>>>>> floating
>>>>>>>>> IPs to the same interface from multiple networks. Since I am having 
>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>> one external network, I couldn't test this. Any idea?
>>>>>>>>>  Feel free to share your thoughts.
>>>>>>>>>  1. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STRATOS-698
>>>>>>>>>  Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>>>>     Raj
>>>>>>>>   --
>>>>>>>> Udara Liyanage
>>>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>>>> WSO2, Inc.: http://wso2.com
>>>>>>>> lean. enterprise. middleware
>>>>>>>>  web: http://udaraliyanage.wordpress.com
>>>>>>>>  phone: +94 71 443 6897
>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>>     Raj
>>>>>>  --
>>>>>> Udara Liyanage
>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>> WSO2, Inc.: http://wso2.com
>>>>>> lean. enterprise. middleware
>>>>>>  web: http://udaraliyanage.wordpress.com
>>>>>>  phone: +94 71 443 6897
>>>>>  --
>>>>>     Raj
>>>>  --
>>>>     Raj
>>> --
>>>     Raj
>>  --
>>      Rajkumar Rajaratnam
>>  Committer & PMC Member, Apache Stratos
>>  Software Engineer, WSO2
> --
>      Rajkumar Rajaratnam
>  Committer & PMC Member, Apache Stratos
>  Software Engineer, WSO2

Rajkumar Rajaratnam
Committer & PMC Member, Apache Stratos
Software Engineer, WSO2

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