Great work!

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 10:01 AM, Imesh Gunaratne <> wrote:

> Hi Dakshika,
> Fabulous work!! This is one of the key elements of the dashboard.
> I would like to propose use three simple colours like "Orange", "Green"
> and "Red" to represent "Inactive", "Active" and "Terminating" states of
> each element. WDYT?

> Thanks
> On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Dakshika Jayathilaka <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Devs,
>> I'm planning to add topology view tree to application detail view page.
>> We had suggestion thread[1] and i have came up with solution based on d3js
>> which include automatic node positioning with Reingold–Tilford “tidy”
>> algorithm[2].
>> ​
>> I have created three icons based on our requirement. (Application, Group,
>> Cluster and Member). Each node on the tree will include extra information
>> on hover. Also we need to finalize colors of each node depending on the
>> status.
>> Current status levels
>> *MemberStatus* - Created, Starting, Activated, In_Maintenance,
>> ReadyToShutDown, Suspended, Terminated
>> *ApplicationStatus* - Created, Active, Inactive, Terminating, Terminated
>> *ClusterStatus* - Created, Active, Patching, Inactive, Terminating,
>> Terminated
>> *GroupStatus* - Created, Active, Inactive, Terminating, Terminated
>> Seems we need to coloring only the important status and need to show keys
>> on screen. Also Current tree is not live updating, so i'm planning to add
>> refresh button to get latest status on topology.
>> WDYT?
>> please be kind enough to add your valuable feedback. You can check code
>> demo[4] on my personal repo[3] and live screenshot attached.
>> [1] Dashboard for the Composite Application based on status changes
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> *Dakshika Jayathilaka*
>> Software Engineer
>> WSO2, Inc.
>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>> 0771100911
> --
> Imesh Gunaratne
> Technical Lead, WSO2
> Committer & PMC Member, Apache Stratos

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