
Is there a plan to ship Dockerfiles for the standard set of cartridges in
Stratos? If so, IMO we need to improve the Dockerfile contents of the
sample file we're using[1].

A good place to start will be the Dockerfile best practices guide[2] and
this[3] article on avoiding using SSHD in Docker images. The current sample
Dockerfile uses SSHD to ssh into the container and interact with the files.

[1] -

[2] - http://crosbymichael.com/dockerfile-best-practices.html
[3] - http://jpetazzo.github.io/2014/06/23/docker-ssh-considered-evil/

Chamila de Alwis
Software Engineer | WSO2 | +94772207163
Blog: code.chamiladealwis.com

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