Hi Sandaruwan,

We see some progress here. Good work :)

Are you trying to update the application definition? *PUT /api/applications*
means you are updating the application definition.

Let me give some brief idea to get you on the track :)

According to this project, you don't need update application definition.
You need to implement an API to trigger software update process. IMO, the
API should be *POST /api/applications/{applicationId}/updateSoftware*.
However there might be some changes in the API path. But definitely it
should be POST and it should expect application id. So this will be the
rest API. You also need to implement a web service operation in the
relevant component such as AS, SM or CC (you need to decide this). That
operation should send an event to all the cartridge instances running in
the application. You might already know that there might be several
application instances running for an application and there might be several
cartridge instances running within each application instance. So you need
to traverse and find all the cartridge instances and send an event to
trigger the software update task. You need to basically trigger the puppet
agent. This event should be sent from SM and CA should listen to this
event. When CA receives this event, it will trigger the puppet agent. I
guess that is all what you need to do.

Please get some experience by running the product and following the
documentation [1]

Hope this helps.

1. https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/STRATOS/4.1.0


On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 7:00 PM, Sandaruwan Nanayakkara <
sandaru...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Imesh,
> I checked out the API and thought of a design.
>         PUT   |  /Applications   |  Update an application
> Is this the way it should be added? Using a PUT request?
> I used the master repository. Is it ok?
> Google Doc for the Project
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ep2EwLubQnAv0bQGXE2ynwIDrRFCtMnCZ1E52KtzUH4/edit?usp=sharing>
> Thanks,
> Sandaruwan

Rajkumar Rajaratnam
Committer & PMC Member, Apache Stratos
Software Engineer, WSO2

Mobile : +94777568639
Blog : rajkumarr.com

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