
[...truncated 1347 lines...]
{"status":"success","message":"Cartridge added successfully: [cartridge-type] 
php"}Adding application policy...
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0* 
  Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 9443 (#0)
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
*   CAfile: none
  CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server key exchange (12):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
{ [data not shown]
* SSL connection using EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA
* Server certificate:
*        subject: C=US; ST=CA; L=Mountain View; O=WSO2; CN=localhost
*        start date: 2010-02-19 07:02:26 GMT
*        expire date: 2035-02-13 07:02:26 GMT
*        issuer: C=US; ST=CA; L=Mountain View; O=WSO2; CN=localhost
*        SSL certificate verify result: unable to get local issuer certificate 
(20), continuing anyway.
* Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
> POST /api/applicationPolicies HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
> User-Agent: curl/7.35.0
> Host: localhost:9443
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Content-Length: 307
} [data not shown]
* upload completely sent off: 307 out of 307 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 201 Created
< Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 09:45:42 GMT
< Location: https://localhost:9443/api/applicationPolicies/application-policy-1
< Content-Type: application/json
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
* Server WSO2 Carbon Server is not blacklisted
< Server: WSO2 Carbon Server
{ [data not shown]

100   420    0   113  100   307   1410   3831 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  3886
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
{"status":"success","message":"Application policy added successfully: 
[application-policy] application-policy-1"}Adding application...
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0* 
  Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 9443 (#0)
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
*   CAfile: none
  CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server key exchange (12):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
{ [data not shown]
* SSL connection using EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA
* Server certificate:
*        subject: C=US; ST=CA; L=Mountain View; O=WSO2; CN=localhost
*        start date: 2010-02-19 07:02:26 GMT
*        expire date: 2035-02-13 07:02:26 GMT
*        issuer: C=US; ST=CA; L=Mountain View; O=WSO2; CN=localhost
*        SSL certificate verify result: unable to get local issuer certificate 
(20), continuing anyway.
* Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
> POST /api/applications HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
> User-Agent: curl/7.35.0
> Host: localhost:9443
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Content-Length: 777
} [data not shown]
* upload completely sent off: 777 out of 777 bytes

100   777    0     0  100   777      0    644  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--   644< 
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
< Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 09:45:44 GMT
< Location: https://localhost:9443/api/applications/single-cartridge-app
< Content-Type: application/json
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
* Server WSO2 Carbon Server is not blacklisted
< Server: WSO2 Carbon Server
{ [data not shown]

100   876    0    99  100   777     64    507  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--   507
100   876    0    99  100   777     64    507  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--   507
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
{"status":"success","message":"Application added successfully: [application] 
single-cartridge-app"}Deploying application...
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0* 
  Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 9443 (#0)
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
*   CAfile: none
  CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server key exchange (12):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
} [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
{ [data not shown]
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
{ [data not shown]
* SSL connection using EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA
* Server certificate:
*        subject: C=US; ST=CA; L=Mountain View; O=WSO2; CN=localhost
*        start date: 2010-02-19 07:02:26 GMT
*        expire date: 2035-02-13 07:02:26 GMT
*        issuer: C=US; ST=CA; L=Mountain View; O=WSO2; CN=localhost
*        SSL certificate verify result: unable to get local issuer certificate 
(20), continuing anyway.
* Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
> POST /api/applications/single-cartridge-app/deploy/application-policy-1 
> HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
> User-Agent: curl/7.35.0
> Host: localhost:9443
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
< HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
< Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 09:45:45 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
* Server WSO2 Carbon Server is not blacklisted
< Server: WSO2 Carbon Server
{ [data not shown]

100   102    0   102    0     0    315      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   315
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
{"status":"success","message":"Application deployed successfully: [application] 
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,062]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,060]  INFO {org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.util.AutoscalerUtil} -  
Monitor scheduled: [application] single-cartridge-app 
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,063]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,060]  INFO {org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.util.AutoscalerUtil} -  
Starting monitor: [application] single-cartridge-app
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,076]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,076]  INFO {org.apache.stratos.common.threading.StratosThreadPool} -  
Thread pool created: [type] Scheduled Executor Service [id] 
autoscaler.monitor.scheduler.thread.pool [size] 100
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,078]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,078]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.applications.dependency.DependencyBuilder} -  
Building dependency tree: [component] single-cartridge-app 
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,078]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,078]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.applications.dependency.DependencyBuilder} -  
Termination behaviour set: [component] single-cartridge-app 
[termination-behaviour] null
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,080]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,080]  INFO {org.apache.stratos.common.threading.StratosThreadPool} -  
Thread pool created: [type] Executor Service [id] 
application.monitor.thread.pool [size] 20
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,125]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,124]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.monitor.component.ApplicationMonitor} -  
Application instance has been added for the [network partition] 
network-partition-1 [appInstanceId] single-cartridge-app-1
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,125]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,125]  WARN 
 -  Application instance with id [ single-cartridge-app-1 ] already exists
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,125]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,125]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.monitor.component.ParentComponentMonitor} -  
Starting dependent monitor: [application] single-cartridge-app [component]
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,127]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,127]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.monitor.component.ParentComponentMonitor} -  
Monitor scheduled: [type] cluster [component] 
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,128]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,127]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.monitor.component.ParentComponentMonitor} -  
Starting monitor: [type] cluster [component]
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,128]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,128]  INFO {org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.util.AutoscalerUtil} -  
Monitor started successfully: [application] single-cartridge-app [dependents] [startup-time] 0 seconds
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,138]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,138]  INFO 
{} -  
Partition map updated for the Cartridge: php. Current Partition List: 
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,152]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,152]  INFO 
-  All partitions [[partition-1]] were validated successfully, against the 
cartridge: php
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,157]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,157]  INFO {org.apache.stratos.common.threading.StratosThreadPool} -  
Thread pool created: [type] Scheduled Executor Service [id] 
cluster.monitor.scheduler [size] 50
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,157]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,157]  INFO {org.apache.stratos.common.threading.StratosThreadPool} -  
Thread pool created: [type] Executor Service [id] cluster.monitor.thread.pool 
[size] 50
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,169]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,169]  INFO 
 -  Publishing cluster instance created event: [service-name] php [cluster-id]  in [network-partition-id] null 
[instance-id] single-cartridge-app-1
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,209]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,209]  INFO {org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.monitor.MonitorFactory} -  
ClusterMonitor created: ClusterMonitor 
[, hasPrimary=false ]
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,210]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,210]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.monitor.component.ParentComponentMonitor} -  
Monitor started successfully: [type] cluster [component] [dependents] none [startup-time] 0 
[2015-05-15 09:45:47,213]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:47,213]  INFO 
 -   Cluster monitor has scaling dependents  [false] 
[2015-05-15 09:45:48,583]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:48,582]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.context.cluster.ClusterContext} -  Partition 
context has been added: [application] single-cartridge-app  [cluster] [ClusterInstanceContext] 
single-cartridge-app-1 [partition] partition-1
[2015-05-15 09:45:48,593]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:48,593]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.context.cluster.ClusterContext} -  Cluster 
Instance context has been added: [application] single-cartridge-app [cluster] [ClusterInstanceContext] 
[2015-05-15 09:45:48,593]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:48,593]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.context.cluster.ClusterContext} -  Cluster 
instance context has been added to network partition, [application] 
single-cartridge-app [cluster]  
[cluster-instance] single-cartridge-app-1 [network partition] 
[2015-05-15 09:45:48,594]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:48,594]  INFO 
 -  Monitoring task for Cluster Monitor with cluster id started successfully
[2015-05-15 09:45:48,627]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:48,626]  INFO {org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.rule.RuleLog} -  [min-check] 
Partition available, hence trying to spawn an instance to fulfil minimum count! 
[2015-05-15 09:45:48,629]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:48,629]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.client.CloudControllerClient} -  Trying to spawn 
an instance via cloud controller: [cluster] [partition] partition-1 
[network-partition-id] network-partition-1
[2015-05-15 09:45:48,650]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:48,650]  INFO 
 -  Publishing member created event: [service-name] php [cluster-id] [cluster-instance-id] 
single-cartridge-app-1 [member-id] 
[instance-id] null [network-partition-id] network-partition-1 [partition-id] 
partition-1 [lb-cluster-id] null
[2015-05-15 09:45:48,680]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:48,680]  INFO 
 -  Member created: [service-name] php [cluster-id] [member-id] 
[cluster-instance-id] single-cartridge-app-1
[2015-05-15 09:45:49,155]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:49,155]  INFO {org.apache.stratos.mock.iaas.api.MockIaasApi} -  Starting 
mock instance: [member-id]
[2015-05-15 09:45:49,157]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:49,157]  INFO {org.apache.stratos.common.threading.StratosThreadPool} -  
Thread pool created: [type] Executor Service [id] 
mock.iaas.event.listener.thread.pool [size] 20
[2015-05-15 09:45:49,157]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:49,157]  INFO {org.apache.stratos.common.threading.StratosThreadPool} -  
Thread pool created: [type] Scheduled Executor Service [id] [size] 20
[2015-05-15 09:45:49,159]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:49,159]  INFO {} - 
 Mock member started: [member-id]
[2015-05-15 09:45:49,168]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:49,168]  INFO {org.apache.stratos.common.threading.StratosThreadPool} -  
Thread pool created: [type] Scheduled Executor Service [id] [size] 10
[2015-05-15 09:45:49,170]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:49,170]  INFO 
 -  Mock statistics updaters scheduled: [service-name] php
[2015-05-15 09:45:49,177]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:49,170]  INFO 
-  Mock statistics updated: [cartridge-type] php [factor] MemoryConsumption 
[value] 20
[2015-05-15 09:45:49,178]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:49,170]  INFO 
-  Mock statistics updated: [cartridge-type] php [factor] LoadAverage [value] 20
[2015-05-15 09:45:51,171]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:51,170]  INFO {org.apache.stratos.mock.iaas.api.MockIaasApi} -  Mock 
instance started successfully: [member-id] 
[instance-id] a077aea8-bdc9-490b-b528-0f23c1923b22
[2015-05-15 09:45:51,253]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:51,253]  INFO 
{} -  Instance 
started successfully: [cartridge-type] php [cluster-id] [instance-id] 
a077aea8-bdc9-490b-b528-0f23c1923b22 [default-private-ip] null 
[default-public-ip] null
[2015-05-15 09:45:51,259]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:51,259]  INFO {org.apache.stratos.mock.iaas.api.MockIaasApi} -  
Allocating ip addresses: [instance-id] a077aea8-bdc9-490b-b528-0f23c1923b22
[2015-05-15 09:45:51,281]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:51,281]  INFO {org.apache.stratos.mock.iaas.api.MockIaasApi} -  IP 
addresses allocated: [instance-id] a077aea8-bdc9-490b-b528-0f23c1923b22 
[default-private-ip] [default-public-ip]
[2015-05-15 09:45:51,286]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:51,286]  INFO 
{} -  
Member status updated to initialized
[2015-05-15 09:45:51,294]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:51,294]  INFO 
 -  Publishing member initialized event: [service-name] php [cluster-id] [cluster-instance-id] 
single-cartridge-app-1 [member-id] 
[instance-id] a077aea8-bdc9-490b-b528-0f23c1923b22 [network-partition-id] 
network-partition-1 [partition-id] partition-1 [lb-cluster-id] null
[2015-05-15 09:45:51,323]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:51,323]  INFO 
 -  Member initialized: [service] php [cluster] [member]
[2015-05-15 09:45:54,161]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:54,160]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.mock.iaas.event.publisher.MockMemberEventPublisher} -  
Publishing instance started event
[2015-05-15 09:45:54,195]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:54,195]  INFO 
 -  Instance started event received: [application-id] single-cartridge-app 
[cartridge-type] php [member-id]
[2015-05-15 09:45:54,224]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:54,196]  INFO 
{} -  
member started event adding status started
[2015-05-15 09:45:54,224]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:54,196]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.mock.iaas.event.publisher.MockMemberEventPublisher} -  
Instance started event published
[2015-05-15 09:45:54,230]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:54,230]  INFO 
 -  Publishing member started event: [service-name] php [cluster-id] [cluster-instance-id] 
single-cartridge-app-1 [member-id] 
[network-partition-id] network-partition-1 [partition-id] partition-1
[2015-05-15 09:45:54,260]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:54,260]  INFO 
 -  Member started: [service] php [cluster] [member]
[2015-05-15 09:45:54,290]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:54,289]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.manager.components.ArtifactDistributionCoordinator} -  
Artifact updated event published: [application-id] single-cartridge-app 
[tenant-id] -1234 [cartridge-type] php [alias] my-php [repo-url]
[2015-05-15 09:45:59,224]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:59,224]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.mock.iaas.event.publisher.MockMemberEventPublisher} -  
Publishing instance activated event
[2015-05-15 09:45:59,254]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:59,254]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.mock.iaas.event.publisher.MockMemberEventPublisher} -  
Instance activated event published
[2015-05-15 09:45:59,260]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:59,260]  INFO 
 -  Instance notifier event message delegator started
[2015-05-15 09:45:59,261]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:59,261]  INFO 
 -  Publishing member activated event: [service-name] php [cluster-id] [cluster-instance-id] 
single-cartridge-app-1 [member-id] 
[network-partition-id] network-partition-1 [partition-id] partition-1
[2015-05-15 09:45:59,295]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:59,295]  INFO 
 -  Member activated: [service] php [cluster] [member]
[2015-05-15 09:45:59,296]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:59,296]  INFO 
 -  Publishing cluster activated event for [application]: single-cartridge-app 
[2015-05-15 09:45:59,323]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:59,323]  INFO 
{} -  
Cluster activated adding status started for
[2015-05-15 09:45:59,330]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:59,330]  INFO 
 -  Publishing cluster activated event: [service-name] php [cluster-id]  [instance-id] single-cartridge-app-1 
[application-id] single-cartridge-app
[2015-05-15 09:45:59,354]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:59,353]  INFO 
 -  [ClusterActivatedEvent] Received: class 
[2015-05-15 09:45:59,357]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:59,356]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.monitor.component.ParentComponentMonitor} -  No 
more dependent monitors to be started for component: [type] 
application[component] single-cartridge-app
[2015-05-15 09:45:59,357]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:59,357]  INFO 
 -  Sending application instance active for [application] single-cartridge-app 
[instance] single-cartridge-app-1
[2015-05-15 09:45:59,365]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:59,365]  INFO 
{org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.applications.topic.ApplicationsEventPublisher} - 
 Publishing application instance active event: [application] 
single-cartridge-app [instance] single-cartridge-app-1
[2015-05-15 09:45:59,383]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.integration.framework.utils.InputStreamHandler} -  [2015-05-15 
09:45:59,383]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.databridge.core.DataBridge} -  admin 

Results :

Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[JENKINS] Recording test results

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