
I modified Kubernetes Vagrant setup to support downloading Kubernetes and
other files from a local web server instead of downloading via Internet
every time which is time consuming. All changes are pushed to GitHub repo
at [1]. You need to start a web server in your local machine and set the IP
address in 'runme.sh' script. Update and run 'runme.sh' script.

But still there are some Docker images being pulled into those nodes which
requires an Internet connection. Following Docker images are downloaded;

quay.io/devops/docker-registry:latest ~ 22MB
quay.io/coreos/flannel:0.5.1 ~ 7MB

I was able to setup a 3 node Kubernetes cluster (1 master, 2 minions) just
under 7 mins

I wrote a blog post [2] explaining how to use this.

[1] https://github.com/ravihansa3000/kubernetes-vagrant-setup
[2] http://blog.ravihansa3000.com/2015/07/kubernetes-using-vagrant.html

I'll try to push this upstream.


Akila Ravihansa Perera
Software Engineer, WSO2

Blog: http://ravihansa3000.blogspot.com

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