Hi All,

Imesh, Akila and I had hangout today.

We had demo of whatever is done till now and discussed few issues as

   1. The issue of multi region application deployment that I tried. I was
   not able to spawn an instance in the aws region other than the mentioned in
   the cloud-controller.xml. I need to send the error message I got.

   2. Regarding the port mapping issue that I faced when a port mapping of
   a deployed cartridge is changed. We concluded that I need to use port
   mapping of member instead of service to use for the load balancer.

   3. We decided to use unique name for load balancers using some prefix
   and a sequence number.

   4. We discussed the issue of configure method of extension being called
   before member is added to cluster.

   5. I need to write a document explaining what AWS components used, what
   is the algorithm used for configuring load balancers etc. and publish it on

   6. We discussed how to add domain name mapping for a cluster.

   7. I am supposed to commit my current changes and send an update so that
   other devs can try out the extension.

   8. I am supposed to schedule a code review meeting in this or next week.
   I will send a mail regarding the same.

Thanks and Regards,

On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 11:40 AM, Swapnil Patil <swapnil.r...@gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> Imesh, Udara and I had a hangout session today.
> We discussed progress of the project till now. Had a demo of whatever is
> done till now which included running aws extension and see if configure
> method of extension gets called on deploying application on ec2.
> I am currently using AWS Java SDK to interact with AWS IaaS to manage load
> balancers. But  it has been suggested to use JClouds api.
> There is a plan to have hangout session for all, once basic functionality
> of extension is completed.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Swapnil

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