
I could finish most of the listing command and now working with the create
and update commands. I'm running Java CLI to get an idea how the output
should be presented. Had to fix some issues related to that "-" issue also,
regarding auto-completion. I started writing test cases for utility
methods, and will start writing test cases for Stratos specific ones this
week. I'm using Tox to run my tests on different Python versions, 2.x ones
and 3.z ones.

On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 2:52 PM, Milindu Sanoj Kumarage <
agentmili...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I invested last 2 week on some research on Testing frameworks and Security
> Certificates. CA Bundles and  Pem files were something I had no experience,
> therefor I studied on that. Studied Java security API and Stratos's Java
> CLI's Certificate handling codes ( Keystores, etc ).
> *Testing frameworks*
> 1. Unittest ( docs.python.org/2/library/unittest.html ) [ PSF(
> GPL-compatible ) ]
> Python's unit testing module since 2.7. Very similar to JUnit for
> Java. Gives very descriptive outputs when found assertion errors.
> 2. Unittest2 ( pypi.python.org/pypi/unittest2 ) [ BSD ]
> unittest2 is a backport of the new features added to the unittest testing
> framework in Python 2.7 and onwards. Supports back to Python 2.4+.
> 3. PyTest ( pytest.org/ ) [ MIT ]
> Very popular unit testing tool which is an alternative to Python’s
> standard unittest module. Gives very descriptive outputs when found
> assertion errors. Integrates nicely with setup.py. Python 2 and 3
> compatible.
> 4. Nose ( nose.readthedocs.org/en/latest ) [ LGPL ]
> Nose extends unittest to make testing easier. Same as PyTest.
> Python 2 and 3 compatible.
> 5. Tox ( tox.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ ) [ MIT ]
> Tox is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool. We can
> setup several Python virtual environments and run our tests on those
> environments. This is a very useful tool to ensure the compatibility with
> Python 2 and Python 3 versions. PyTest,  nose and unittest modules are
> compatible with tox. Able to easily integrate with continuous integration
> servers like Jenkins.
> 6. Doctest ( docs.python.org/2/library/doctest.htmlt ) [ PSF(
> GPL-compatible ) ]
>  Python module that checks for interactive Python sessions in docstrings,
> and then executes those sessions to verify that they work exactly as shown.
> 7. Atheist ( arco.esi.uclm.es/~david.villa/atheist/html/  ) [ GFDL ]
> A great tool for command line testing, it issues the commands to the
> underlying shell and compares the output with the intended output. Now
> discontinued but bug-maintained.
> 8. Prego ( bitbucket.org/arco_group/prego ) [ GPLv3+ ]
> Successor of Atheist, which provides support to run shell commands on
> background, send signal to processes, set assertions on command stdout or
> stderr, etc. Very suitable in CLI testing tasks.
> 9. ScriptTest ( pythonpaste.org/scripttest/ ) [  MIT-style permissive
> license ]
> Something like Prego, but seems less features.
> 10. Behave ( jenisys.github.io/behave.example/ ) [ BSD ]
>  A BDD framework and a cucumber-clone for Python. Cucumber is a nice way
> for feature testing where we define the features in simple English and that
> will become the tests.
> I definitely will be using Tox because it makes us test the Python CLI on
> different Python versions. But Tox alone can not test the CLI. We have to
> us some other testing framework on Tox. I'm wondering what to use where. We
> can use PyTest for unit test Stratos.py which calls the Stratos RESTAPI.
> But we have to test the CLI functionalities also, using some kind of CLI
> testing tool. I think I need some advice here :)
> Meanwhile, I continued implementing other "list" CMD actions in Python
> CLI. I see some repetition in error code handling stuffs, I'm thinking of a
> way to write a general method for error handling and error reporting.

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