
This is now fixed in stratos-4.1.x branch. I've tested and verified in ec2,
openstack, GCE. I fixed another minor issue in GCE IaaS which caused
partition validation exception to be thrown when availabilityZone is
defined in network partition. This is becuase GCE validator checks for
region string in image ID property which is correct for ec2 and openstack,
but not applicable for GCE.

I found another issue in which updating the network partition definition
(with updated region or availability zone) has no affect in VMs launched
via CC. If you need your updated network partition to take effect then you
will have to undeploy the application and redeploy the cartridge definition
and then deploy the application again.


On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 4:21 AM, Vanson Lim <v...@cisco.com> wrote:

> On 9/22/15, 3:25 PM, Akila Ravihansa Perera wrote:
> Hi  Vanson,
> I've updated the JIRA as requested. I was under the impression that issue
> only occurs when updating a network partition definition. Further
> investigation into this revealed that zone property is not properly set
> even at the initial deployment. Defining the zone property in the cartridge
> definition does not work either. Only way to set the zone is by updating
> cloud-controller.xml which will be applied globally for that IaaS provider.
> That's correct.  Only setting the zone in the cloud-controller.xml works.
> -Vanson
> Thanks.
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 8:01 PM, Vanson Lim <v...@cisco.com> wrote:
>> On 9/22/15, 1:30 AM, Akila Ravihansa Perera wrote:
>> Hi Vanson,
>> Thank you for providing a fix for this. I've created a JIRA [1] and
>> attached the patch. Since we are in a middle of a planned release thought
>> of committing it in the next release (ver. 4.1.4). Hope that is okay with
>> you.
>> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STRATOS-1572
>> Yes,  version 4.1.4 should be fine.
>> Two comments:
>> 1) Can we change the JIRA title from:
>> "Updating network partition with a new availability zone has no affect on
>> VMs launched by CC"
>> to:
>> "Network partition availability zone setting has no affect on VMs
>> launched by CC"
>> 2) Affected versions from:
>> Affects Version/s:
>> 4.1.2, 4.1.3
>> to:
>> Affects Version/s:
>> 4.1.0, 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3
>> Regards,
>> -Vanson
>> Regards,
>> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 1:53 AM, Vanson Lim <v...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>> Stratos developers,
>>> Please find attached, proposed diffs with further optimizations to the
>>> iaas specific code so that there is not impact to existing performance.
>>> -Vanson
>>> On 9/20/15, 2:36 AM, Vanson Lim wrote:
>>> On 9/20/15, 2:09 AM, Akila Ravihansa Perera wrote:
>>> Hi Vanson,
>>> Thanks for reporting this. This has been a known issue causing problems
>>> when updating IaaS parameters. A work-around would be to redeploy the
>>> cartridge definition which forces it to re-build. I haven't tested it
>>> though. Your solution also works, but were you able to look into to the
>>> performance overhead of re-building every time?
>>> Akila,
>>> No I haven't had a chance to look at the performance overhead, but yes,
>>> the suggested diffs are inefficient.  Alternatively, for only the partition
>>> update case, we could optimize each Iaas's partition validate routines to
>>> only call buidIaas() once after all the properties have been updated.
>>> For Example, the revised function for the openstack IAAS is attached.
>>> Currently only the partition validate routines make use of buildIaas:
>>> https://github.com/apache/stratos/search?utf8=✓&q=buildIaas
>>> I'll try updating the cartridge, but I have a hard time see how that
>>> works for partition definitions since it would execute the same codeflow
>>> below.   Only the validate() function below attempts to parse the
>>> partition's zone property and propagate it into the IaasProvider definition.
>>> Besides the cartridge update workaround,  do you have any suggestions
>>> for other ways we could fix this.
>>> -Vanson
>>> On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 10:59 AM, Vanson Lim <v...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>>> Stratos developers,
>>>> I found an issue where defining an availability "zone" property in a
>>>> partition has no affect on controlling the placement of a VM launched under
>>>> openstack.
>>>> The code which builds the template (iaas.initialize) used by jclouds is
>>>> executed only once before stratos appends the availability zone properties
>>>> to the iaas datastructure.
>>>> The problem is in the buildIaas() call shown below:
>>>> https://github.com/apache/stratos/blob/92ff7e9b5800d578a37d6aa82551d60fbdd66529/components/org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller/src/main/java/org/apache/stratos/cloud/controller/iaases/openstack/OpenstackPartitionValidator.java
>>>> The issue also exists in the cloudstack, ec2, gce and docker variants
>>>> of this function.
>>>> @Override
>>>>     public IaasProvider validate(Partition partition, Properties
>>>> properties) throws InvalidPartitionException {
>>>>         try {
>>>>             // validate the existence of the zone and hosts properties.
>>>>             if (properties.containsKey(Scope.region.toString())) {
>>>>                 String region =
>>>> properties.getProperty(Scope.region.toString());
>>>>                 if (iaasProvider.getImage() != null &&
>>>> !iaasProvider.getImage().contains(region)) {
>>>>                     String msg = "Invalid partition detected, invalid
>>>> region: [partition-id] " + partition.getId() +
>>>>                             " [region] " + region;
>>>>                     log.error(msg);
>>>>                     throw new InvalidPartitionException(msg);
>>>>                 }
>>>>                 iaas.isValidRegion(region);
>>>>                 IaasProvider updatedIaasProvider = new
>>>> IaasProvider(iaasProvider);
>>>> *                Iaas updatedIaas =
>>>> CloudControllerServiceUtil.buildIaas(updatedIaasProvider);*
>>>>                 updatedIaas.setIaasProvider(updatedIaasProvider);
>>>>                 if (properties.containsKey(Scope.zone.toString())) {
>>>>                     String zone =
>>>> properties.getProperty(Scope.zone.toString());
>>>>                     iaas.isValidZone(region, zone);
>>>> updatedIaasProvider.setProperty(CloudControllerConstants.AVAILABILITY_ZONE,
>>>> zone);
>>>> *                    updatedIaas =
>>>> CloudControllerServiceUtil.buildIaas(updatedIaasProvider);*
>>>>                     updatedIaas.setIaasProvider(updatedIaasProvider);
>>>>                 }
>>>>                 updateOtherProperties(updatedIaasProvider, properties);
>>>>                 return updatedIaasProvider;
>>>>             } else {
>>>>                 return iaasProvider;
>>>>             }
>>>>         } catch (Exception e) {
>>>>             String msg = "Invalid partition detected: [partition-id] "
>>>> + partition.getId() + e.getMessage();
>>>>             log.error(msg, e);
>>>>             throw new InvalidPartitionException(msg, e);
>>>>         }
>>>>     }
>>>>     private void updateOtherProperties(IaasProvider updatedIaasProvider,
>>>>                                        Properties properties) {
>>>>         Iaas updatedIaas;
>>>>         try {
>>>> *             updatedIaas =
>>>> CloudControllerServiceUtil.buildIaas(updatedIaasProvider);*
>>>>             for (Object property : properties.keySet()) {
>>>>                 if (property instanceof String) {
>>>>                     String key = (String) property;
>>>>                     updatedIaasProvider.setProperty(key,
>>>>                             properties.getProperty(key));
>>>>                     if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
>>>>                         log.debug("Added property " + key
>>>>                                 + " to the IaasProvider.");
>>>>                     }
>>>>                 }
>>>>             }
>>>> *             updatedIaas =
>>>> CloudControllerServiceUtil.buildIaas(updatedIaasProvider);*
>>>>             updatedIaas.setIaasProvider(updatedIaasProvider);
>>>>         } catch (InvalidIaasProviderException ignore) {
>>>>         }
>>>>     }
>>>> buidIaas() calls getIaas() under the covers and only initializes the
>>>> compute template the first time it is called.   buildIaas() is called a
>>>> second time after the availability_zone property is set, and then a
>>>> third/fourth time in updateOtherProperties().
>>>> As show below,   getIaas() only calls iaas.initilize() the first time
>>>> it's called.
>>>> public class CloudControllerServiceUtil {
>>>> ...
>>>>     public static Iaas buildIaas(IaasProvider iaasProvider) throws
>>>> InvalidIaasProviderException {
>>>>         return iaasProvider.getIaas();
>>>>     }
>>>> ....
>>>> public class IaasProvider implements Serializable {
>>>> ....
>>>>     public Iaas getIaas() {
>>>>         if (iaas == null) {
>>>>             synchronized (IaasProvider.this) {
>>>>                 if (iaas == null) {
>>>>                     try {
>>>>                         iaas =
>>>> CloudControllerUtil.createIaasInstance(this);
>>>>                         iaas.initialize();
>>>>                     } catch (InvalidIaasProviderException e) {
>>>>                         throw new RuntimeException("Could not create
>>>> IaaS instance", e);
>>>>                     }
>>>>                 }
>>>>             }
>>>>         }
>>>>         return iaas;
>>>>     }
>>>> ....
>>>> I propose the attached diffs to define buildIaas() such that it forces
>>>> the iaas datastructure to be reinitialized,  if this looks okay, I'll see
>>>> about getting this pushed upstream.
>>>> I've also validated this on my openstack setup.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> -Vanson
>>> --
>>> Akila Ravihansa Perera
>>> WSO2 Inc.;  http://wso2.com/
>>> Blog: http://ravihansa3000.blogspot.com
>> --
>> Akila Ravihansa Perera
>> WSO2 Inc.;  http://wso2.com/
>> Blog: http://ravihansa3000.blogspot.com
> --
> Akila Ravihansa Perera
> WSO2 Inc.;  http://wso2.com/
> Blog: http://ravihansa3000.blogspot.com

Akila Ravihansa Perera
WSO2 Inc.;  http://wso2.com/

Blog: http://ravihansa3000.blogspot.com

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