
I've written a set of test cases for Stratos metadata service API which
covers the following scenarios;

   - Adding application level properties.
   - Adding cluster level properties.
   - Removing application properties
   - Removing cluster properties
   - Add properties concurrently through multiple clients and verify all
   values are added properly
   - Undeploy an application and verify properties added for that app are
   - Verify access token is validated. API should not return anything if
   the token is not valid
   - Verify application level isolation. API should not return properties
   for a particular app if it is accessed by passing another app's access token

I've created a JIRA [1] to track this. It is already committed on
stratos-4.1.x branch. This will ensure the stability of metadata API when
doing future releases.


Akila Ravihansa Perera
WSO2 Inc.;  http://wso2.com/

Blog: http://ravihansa3000.blogspot.com

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