      I want to join you to develop the Apache Stratos.
      Some simple self introduction:
      I have some experience on Software development,and now as a postgraduate 
from China,my major is Cloud Computer

      What can I do maybe?
      1.maybe i can help to translate the document into Chinese.This is my 
Chinese Bog,there are some translate passages about Apache Stratos there.
      2.After some time to get familiar with the Apache Stratos,I hope that i 
can commit some code as a contributor for the Apache Stratos

      What help do i need maybe?
      1.I have found the mailing list archives about the Apache Stratos,but i 
need some search function.Whether you guys can offer the function.So I can 
search what i need
      2.I have this articles to run the Apache Stratos on  a single  machine.
       My computer is Mac Pro,after i run the command:
       mvn clean install:
       I always get the failure with some tips.I search the google for help,but 
a little advice can find.
       Does someone here just like me to  run the Apache Stratos on the OS X EI 
Capitan.If you are the guy,can you give me some help when you are free.
      I have read the article,and try to set up the development environment,but 
again,I fail.Maybe this document can read with some pictures.
      I also need some one to give some advice when I try to set up the 
development environment

     Too much trouble maybe.Thank you for reading the email :) 
                                                  From Hank,

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