The Apache Stratos community is pleased to announce the availability of
Apache Stratos 4.1.5.

Apache Stratos is a PaaS framework that is designed to address the various
challenges currently faced in the Cloud PaaS space. For developers, Stratos
provides a cloud-based environment for developing, testing, and running
scalable applications. IT providers benefit from high utilization rates,
automated resource management, and platform-wide insight including
monitoring and billing.

You can read more about Stratos and its features at website:

Bug fixes and improvements



   DAS Integration for Monitoring Service

   Introduce the GIT hook based on demand repository update for tenant

   AWS LB extension improvement to support the EC2 VPC

   Topology Initialization Optimization

   Tenant Model and Complete Application SignUps Initialization Optimization

   Refactoring pom files and fixing OSGi imports/exports

   Improve the Integration test coverage

   Introduce Server Log Client to Retrieve Logs from Remote Carbon Servers

   Improve the way integration test determines whether the server is ready
   or not

   Refactoring Mock IaaS to improve performance and concurrency issues

Release notes can be found at:

Try downloading it from:

Setup your own cloud using the Stratos deployment guide:

The binary distribution's samples directory has bunch of different examples
for various cloud infrastructure providers (EC2, OpenStack, Kubernetes
etc.) that you can use to setup a cloud. Try those out and let us know what
you think!

We would like to thank all the contributors who made this release possible.


The Apache Stratos team


Gayan Gunarathne
Technical Lead, WSO2 Inc. (
Committer & PMC Member, Apache Stratos
email :  | mobile : +94 775030545 <%2B94%20766819985>

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