See <>


[isuruh] making TopologyEventReceiver and ApplicationSignupEventReceiver a

[isuruh] making TopologyEventReceiver a singleton and fixing references

[isuruh] making TenantEventReceiver a singleton and fixing the references in the

[isuruh] making InitializerEventReceiver singleton and fixing references in

[isuruh] making HealthStatEventReceiver singleton and fixing references in

[isuruh] making DomainMappingEventReceiver singleton and fixing references in

[isuruh] making ClusterStatusEventReceiver singleton and fixing references in

[isuruh] making ApplicationsEventReceiver singleton and fixing references in

[isuruh] fixing conflicts in StratosThreadPool

[isuruh] removing unused methods

[isuruh] commenting unused methods after making EventReceivers singleton

[isuruh] deleting some commented out methods

[isuruh] adding activator class for messaging and calling terminate of event

[isuruh] adding comments for StratosEventReceiver abstraction, starting the

[...truncated 6622 lines...]
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[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Apache Stratos .................................... SUCCESS [ 15.269 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Dependent Projects ............... SUCCESS [  0.560 s]
[INFO] Guice ............................................. SUCCESS [  8.941 s]
[INFO] Google Guice - Extensions - MultiBindings ......... SUCCESS [  1.516 s]
[INFO] Guice Assistedinject .............................. SUCCESS [  1.573 s]
[INFO] 99soft :: Rocoto .................................. SUCCESS [  1.569 s]
[INFO] sshj .............................................. SUCCESS [  1.532 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - jclouds Dependent Projects ....... SUCCESS [  0.510 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Dependent Projects ............... SUCCESS [  0.441 s]
[INFO] jclouds Google Cloud Core ......................... SUCCESS [  3.442 s]
[INFO] jclouds Google Compute Engine provider ............ SUCCESS [  7.460 s]
[INFO] jclouds Google Cloud Storage provider ............. SUCCESS [  2.533 s]
[INFO] jclouds OAuth Core ................................ SUCCESS [  1.189 s]
[INFO] jclouds Amazon EC2 provider ....................... SUCCESS [ 52.281 s]
[INFO] jclouds Components Core ........................... SUCCESS [  5.272 s]
[INFO] jclouds Components blobstore ...................... SUCCESS [  1.627 s]
[INFO] jclouds Components bouncycastle ................... SUCCESS [  1.762 s]
[INFO] jclouds Components compute ........................ SUCCESS [  3.508 s]
[INFO] jclouds Components enterprise ..................... SUCCESS [  1.618 s]
[INFO] jclouds Components joda ........................... SUCCESS [  1.087 s]
[INFO] jclouds Components netty .......................... SUCCESS [  1.703 s]
[INFO] jclouds Components sshj ........................... SUCCESS [  1.232 s]
[INFO] jclouds OpenStack Components Core ................. SUCCESS [  1.274 s]
[INFO] jclouds openstack-keystone api .................... SUCCESS [  2.240 s]
[INFO] jclouds openstack-neutron api ..................... SUCCESS [  1.839 s]
[INFO] Apache jclouds :: OpenStack :: Nova API ........... SUCCESS [  3.321 s]
[INFO] jclouds sts api ................................... SUCCESS [  1.888 s]
[INFO] jclouds cloudstack core ........................... SUCCESS [  5.724 s]
[INFO] jclouds ec2 api ................................... SUCCESS [ 12.463 s]
[INFO] WSO2 Carbon - UI .................................. SUCCESS [ 32.213 s]
[INFO] Fabric8 ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.506 s]
[INFO] Fabric8 :: Kubernetes API ......................... SUCCESS [ 21.345 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Service Stubs .................... SUCCESS [  0.518 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Cloud Controller Service Stub .... SUCCESS [ 23.922 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Manager Service Stub ............. SUCCESS [ 14.669 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Autoscaler Service Stub .......... SUCCESS [ 16.421 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Components ....................... SUCCESS [  0.538 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Common ........................... SUCCESS [ 15.390 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Messaging ........................ SUCCESS [ 17.216 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Autoscaler ....................... SUCCESS [ 31.305 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Kubernetes API Java Client ....... SUCCESS [  7.404 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Mock IaaS ........................ SUCCESS [  7.747 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Mock IaaS API Client ............. SUCCESS [  8.427 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Cloud Controller ................. SUCCESS [ 16.243 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Manager .......................... SUCCESS [  8.185 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - CLI .............................. SUCCESS [ 13.992 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Python Cartridge Agent ........... SUCCESS [  5.149 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Python CLI ....................... SUCCESS [  0.847 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Cartridge Agent .................. SUCCESS [  9.996 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Load Balancer - Common ........... SUCCESS [  9.161 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Load Balancer .................... SUCCESS [ 25.666 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Load Balancer - Extension API .... SUCCESS [  3.976 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - RESTful admin service module ..... SUCCESS [ 22.598 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Cloud Manager UI styles .......... SUCCESS [  7.985 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Custom Handlers .................. SUCCESS [ 13.185 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Metadata Service ................. SUCCESS [  7.281 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Metadata Client .................. SUCCESS [  2.439 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Mock IaaS API .................... SUCCESS [  5.662 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Extensions ....................... SUCCESS [  0.461 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - CEP Extensions ................... SUCCESS [  1.832 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - CEP Extensions ................... SUCCESS [  5.391 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - CEP Extensions ................... SUCCESS [ 11.300 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - CEP Extension .................... SUCCESS [  6.564 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Load Balancer Extensions ......... SUCCESS [  0.422 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - HAProxy Extension ................ SUCCESS [  9.898 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Nginx Extension .................. SUCCESS [ 30.368 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - LVS Extension .................... SUCCESS [ 19.631 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - AWS LB Extension ................. SUCCESS [ 26.540 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - DAS Extension .................... SUCCESS [  0.645 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Metering Service CApps ........... SUCCESS [ 19.957 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Monitoring Service CApps ......... SUCCESS [  2.273 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - DAS Extension .................... SUCCESS [  2.380 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - DAS Extension .................... SUCCESS [  0.933 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Features ......................... SUCCESS [  0.438 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Load Balancer Features ........... SUCCESS [  0.550 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Load Balancer - Management Feature  SUCCESS [  3.969 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Load Balancer - Common Feature ... SUCCESS [  0.610 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Autoscaler Features .............. SUCCESS [  0.488 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Autoscaler Feature ............... SUCCESS [  4.190 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Mock IaaS Features ............... SUCCESS [  0.557 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Mock IaaS API Feature ............ SUCCESS [  5.546 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Cloud Controller Features ........ SUCCESS [  2.120 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Cloud Controller Feature ......... SUCCESS [ 10.220 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Manager Features Aggregator Module  SUCCESS [  0.692 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Stratos Management Aggregator Module  SUCCESS [  1.515 
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Management Core Feature .......... SUCCESS [  5.981 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Management Composite Feature ..... SUCCESS [  1.469 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - RESTful admin services feature ... SUCCESS [  0.809 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - stratos manager admin theme ...... SUCCESS [  0.569 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Meta Data Service feature ........ SUCCESS [  2.365 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Metadata client Feature .......... SUCCESS [  0.770 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Messaging Module ................. SUCCESS [  0.471 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Messaging Feature ................ SUCCESS [  0.740 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Common Features .................. SUCCESS [  1.528 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Common Server Feature ............ SUCCESS [  0.884 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Custom Handlers Feature .......... SUCCESS [  0.694 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Common Composite Feature ......... SUCCESS [  1.003 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - CEP Features ..................... SUCCESS [  1.429 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Event Processor Server Feature ... SUCCESS [  0.976 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Event Processor Aggregator Feature  SUCCESS [  1.323 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Products ......................... SUCCESS [  0.578 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Python Cartridge Agent Product ... SUCCESS [  1.616 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Python Cartridge Agent ........... SUCCESS [  0.853 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Python Cartridge Agent Integration Aggregator  SUCCESS 
[  0.533 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - PCA - Integration Common Module .. SUCCESS [  7.736 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - PCA - Integration Tests .......... SUCCESS [ 12.002 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Cartridge Agent Product .......... SUCCESS [  0.480 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Java Cartridge Agent Distribution  SUCCESS [ 10.508 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Python CLI Product ............... SUCCESS [  5.523 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Python CLI ....................... SUCCESS [  5.465 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - CLI Product ...................... SUCCESS [  0.926 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - CLI .............................. SUCCESS [  7.976 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Load Balancer Product ............ SUCCESS [  0.508 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Load Balancer - P2 Profile Generation  SUCCESS [ 52.716 
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Load Balancer - Distribution ..... SUCCESS [ 37.074 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Product .......................... SUCCESS [  2.496 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Profile Generation ............... SUCCESS [09:37 min]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Distribution ..................... SUCCESS [02:03 min]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Integration Aggregation Module ... SUCCESS [  1.289 s]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Integration Common Module ........ SUCCESS [01:07 min]
[INFO] Apache Stratos - Integration Tests ................ FAILURE [ 29.452 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 30:01 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2015-12-24T22:33:34+00:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 690M/1288M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
(default-testCompile) on project stratos-test-integration: Compilation failure: 
Compilation failure:
[ERROR] error: error reading 
 error in opening zip file
[ERROR] error: error reading 
 error in opening zip file
[ERROR] error: error reading 
 error in opening zip file
[ERROR] error: error reading 
 error in opening zip file
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e 
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please 
read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :stratos-test-integration
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Skipping sonar analysis due to bad build status FAILURE

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