
Just wanted to remind everyone to please vote for 0.4.1-incubating-rc1.  

Here are the highlights I propose we would put in the IPMC vote thread and the 

0.4.1-incubating is a maintenance release focused on code, documentation, style 
and test improvements. Several highlights include adoption and enforcement of 
the google java code style and databricks scala code style, switch from JUnit 
to TestNG for integration tests, elimination of guava transitive dependency 
from most modules, and removal of non-apache hadoop dependencies from all 

0.4.1-incubating also contains bug fixes and adds flexibility in the facebook, 
instagram, twitter, and youtube provider modules.  


On December 17, 2016 at 4:50:44 PM, Suneel Marthi 
(smar...@apache.org(mailto:smar...@apache.org)) wrote:

> I'll don the Release Meister hat this time around, will push a Release
> Candidate out tonite.
> On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 3:19 PM, sblackmon wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > We’ve made a lot of progress on code style, bug fixes, dependency cleanup,
> > test framework switch, enough to perform a 0.4.1 release I think.
> >
> > This link has the full list of what’s been finished:
> > https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=147
> >
> > There are a few items in To Do that it would be nice to get in and one In
> > Progress it would be nice to wrap up but they aren’t blockers.
> >
> > I propose the following be 0.4.1-incubating rc1
> > incubator-streams-master a86e9956269a2c89d716b598511bce68e317df64
> > incubator-streams 5e1bd10be6b2b45b91c0cdc26e22508d6445e021
> > incubator-streams-examples 1fb1e0e11afee3f76e4eb3b61dcd70884a738043
> >
> > I’ve built, unit, integration tested them all locally successfully.
> >
> > Is anyone else available this weekend who wants to attempt to perform and
> > publish this release? I’ll happily help you through any issues you
> > encounter.
> >
> > Steve

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