Opened STREAMS-485 and STREAMS-486 to wrap up this thread.

The set of issues planned for 0.5 can be seen here:  

These are almost all documentation, project / release management improvements.  

Planned release timeframe: end of February. Please pitch in on something simple 
if you can.  



On January 28, 2017 at 10:55:18 AM, Suneel Marthi 
( wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 3:09 PM, sblackmon wrote:
> >
> > On December 18, 2016 at 9:08:21 PM, Suneel Marthi (
> > ( wrote:
> >
> > > While working on the 0.4.1-incubating release this weekend, we faced
> > > process challenges that need to be addressed before the next release and
> > > for Streams to be TLP graduation-worthy.
> > >
> > Agreed. Notes in-line below.
> >
> > > 1. The release process was broken due to recent fix and had to manually
> > > fix the release versions across all the POMs across all the 3 projects.
> > >
> > My experience with the maven release plugin has been that while you can
> > attempt
> > to use properties to specify versions for dependencies outside the
> > reactor, if
> > they are snapshots the release plugin will ‘helpfully’ change them for
> > you, discarding
> > the ${streams.version} in the process. This happens a lot in
> > streams-examples, which
> > has many dependencies to streams-project.
> >
> > Best idea to avoid in future:
> > a) Let’s dependencyManage every org.apache.streams dependency in
> > streams-examples in the
> > examples root pom to a property ${streams.version}
> > b) Let’s update that property from x.y-incubating-SNAPSHOT
> > to x.y-incubating with a manual commit
> > prior to running release-prepare. If the release is cancelled, we’ll have
> > to rollback past this
> > manual change to build from snapshot again.
> > c) There are some flags you can pass to release plugin to avoid the
> > tedious snapshot resolution;
> > let’s add those to the release instructions.
> >
> +1 to all of the above suggestions and it definitely makes the Release
> Manager's job less painful
> >
> > > 2. Facebook credentials timeout very quick and there's no easy fix for
> > > that, time to start conversation around how to address this in the long
> > > term.
> > >
> > The Graph API Explorer is the easiest way I know of to get a working
> > facebook token, but they
> > do timeout quickly. There are challenges creating and maintaining tokens
> > for testing with
> > Instagram with a sandbox account.
> >
> > The only way we’ll get a set of testing credentials is to create official
> > accounts and official apps
> > for the project. Not a small undertaking, but essential. I’ve added
> > notes to that effect to:
> >
> > Apache+Streams+Social+Accounts
> >
> > Once we have a set of working credentials for all supported channels that
> > reside securely in jenkins, we
> > can skip integration testing as part of the release process and just link
> > to the successful builds in the
> > rc notes.
> >
> > In the interim, release managers (and anyone running integration tests)
> > will need to create and supply
> > their own account details and credentials by hand.
> >
> Sounds like a good plan
> >
> > > 3. Release script as it is now on the Release website is inadequate and
> > > doesn't accurately describe the release process.
> > >
> > A lot of changes to project structure and poms have taken place recently.
> > Prior to and during the next release
> > let’s make an effort to cover every single step, placing details (such as
> > how to create accounts and
> > generate credentials for testing) to are relevant to users as well as
> > release manager outside the body
> > of the release process document.
> >
> Let's document this for 0.5-incubating release
> >
> > > 4. Integration Testing of streaming plugins fails sporadically on some
> > > environments for no apparent reason, need to harden the Integration Tests
> > > for plugins.
> > >
> > I believe the root cause of the plugin IT failures during 0.4.1 was
> > addressed with STREAMS-472.
> >
> > During all releases, any test failures encountered during the release
> > process or during verification by
> > anyone, should result in a ticket created, whether or not the issue is
> > intermittent or cancels the rc!
> >
> +1
> >
> > > 5. The checkstyle link didn't work during the release process and had to
> > be
> > > manually fixed.
> > >
> > We chose to host the checkstyle definition on the website to make it
> > easier to distribute among our
> > multiple source repositories. It was checked into streams-master
> > initially and is now checked into streams-project.
> >
> > As of
> > b3604a6ed808dc04490f098c6b69c31369a95ca3
> > the link is to /site/latest rather than to a specific version, removing
> > the situation where the site would have to
> > be deployed before completing the release (which doesn’t make sense).
> >
> Thanks for taking care of this.
> >
> > > 6. Merge streams-master and streams-project into one single project, this
> > > will save us some dependency issues while releasing streams-examples.
> > >
> > As of
> > b3604a6ed808dc04490f098c6b69c31369a95ca3
> > neither streams-project nor streams-examples depend on streams-master.
> >
> > This will materially affect the release instructions and other parts of
> > the webpage.
> >
> > Created STREAMS-484.
> >
> > > I'll be creating High Priority jira issues for these and would emphasize
> > > that these need to be addressed prior to the next release.
> > >
> > > Regarding the 0.4.1-incubating release, its likely that the build and
> > tests
> > > may not pass on the first attempt and have to be repeated a few times,
> > if u
> > > do encounter any such issues - please feel free to veto the 0.4.1 release
> > > and we could focus efforts on fixing all of the above issues and rolling
> > > out a 0.5 release early next year.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Suneel
> >
> >

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