I created 
with a more concrete proposal for how to do this.  I welcome feedback or any 
volunteers who want to help.

On March 6, 2017 at 10:59:44 AM, sblackmon (sblack...@apache.org) wrote:

So this is still something we need to take care of, and the clock is ticking 
down to April 30 2017. I opened STREAMS-496 this morning.  

I think it will be straight-forward to remove the twitter4j client from the 
providers, at least from a request / response perspective, using our twitter 
provider pojos.  

Where I have zero useful expertise is replicating the process of turning an 
instance of org.apache.streams.twitter.TwitterOAuthConfiguration into the 
headers that actually get sent with each request.   

Does anyone have enough background in how oauth works (on twitter specifically, 
but also more generally) to help out with this?  


On November 28, 2016 at 5:03:23 AM, Stian Soiland-Reyes 
(st...@apache.org(mailto:st...@apache.org)) wrote:  

> On 2016-11-14 17:04 (-0000), Joey Frazee wrote:  
> > The ASF recently reclassified the JSON license for org.json as category-x 
> > because of its "shall be used for Good, not Evil" clause [1].  
> >  
> > There does not appear to be any direct usage of it in Streams but there are 
> > a number of dependencies in Streams that do depend on org.json, most 
> > notably Twitter4j, and it does appear in the poms.  
> There are also repackaging like 
> org/apache/geronimo/bundles/json/20090211_1/json-20090211_1.jar  
> to be aware of, which is used by jackson-datatype-json.org, which at least 
> for Streams 0.4 was referenced here:  
> /org/apache/streams/streams-core/0.4-incubating/streams-core-0.4-incubating.pom:
>  jackson-datatype-json-org  
> /org/apache/streams/streams-provider-moreover/0.4-incubating/streams-provider-moreover-0.4-incubating.pom:
>  jackson-datatype-json-org  
> /org/apache/streams/streams-master/0.4-incubating/streams-master-0.4-incubating.pom:
>  jackson-datatype-json-org  

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