
There is a lot of great new stuff in master, certainly enough to warrant a 

I’m currently working on https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STREAMS-508

Very excited about the potential of the third-party rest proxy feature to 
simplify the code involved in writing new streams providers.

My approach to STREAMS-508 is: annotate each interface, remove the bulk of the 
logic in Twitter.java and Instagram.java, and run the existing integration 
tests to confirm each Provider still works.

I’ve found two cases where it looks like we need a new feature on the Juneau 
side to use the rest proxy feature as we’ve planned.  

Here’s relevant parts of Statuses.java, the biggest of the interfaces:


@Remoteable(path = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses";)
public interface Statuses {

@RemoteMethod(httpMethod = "GET", path = "/home_timeline.json")
  public List<Tweet> homeTimeline( @QueryIfNE("*") StatusesHomeTimelineRequest 
parameters );

@RemoteMethod(httpMethod = "GET", path = "/lookup.json")
  public List<Tweet> lookup( @QueryIfNE("*") StatusesLookupRequest parameters);

@RemoteMethod(httpMethod = "GET", path = "/mentions_timeline.json")
  public List<Tweet> mentionTimeline( @QueryIfNE("*") 
StatusesMentionsTimelineRequest parameters);

@RemoteMethod(httpMethod = "GET", path = "/show/{id}")
  public Tweet show( @Path(value = "id") String id, @QueryIfNE("*") 
StatusesShowRequestParameters parameters);

@RemoteMethod(httpMethod = "GET", path = "/user_timeline.json")
  public List<Tweet> userTimeline( @QueryIfNE("*") StatusesUserTimelineRequest 



The two gaps are:
1) An implementation of @QueryIfNE("*”) that allow a bean to stand-in for 
multiple GET parameters
2) The ability to use @Path parameters in @RemoteMethod 

Do you think these additions could be squeezed in before the 6.2.0 release?

As is, ~50% of the twitter and instagram methods can use rest proxy, #1 unlocks 
an additional 40% and #2 the final 10%


On May 16, 2017 at 8:24:02 AM, James Bognar (jamesbog...@apache.org) wrote:

Hi everyone,  

I'm thinking we have enough changes for a minor release:  


Are there any objections to me cutting a new release?  

Steve Blackmon...your input would be helpful. Are there any requirements  
still needed by Streams?  

Standard 72-hour objection window applies.  


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