Just came back to it after lunch and recompiled struts with some logging statements, and the thing works again. I can only put it down to some sort of caching in JBoss-tomcat, or maybe in my short term memory. :0

On 03/31/2004 02:16 PM Adam Hardy wrote:

in my DynaActionForm declaration, I do this:

    <form-bean name="surveyListForm"
      <form-property name="surveys"

and in my action, I'm assigning the SurveyDTO array to it, but I am getting a ConversionException with the msg:

Cannot assign value of type '[Lorg.gargantus.esurvey.SurveyDTO;' to property 'surveys' of type '[Lorg.gargantus.esurvey.SurveyDTO;'

I have looked at the struts & the commons source and it looks like it boils down to Class.isAssignableFrom() returning false.

The surveyDTOs are generated by xdoclet - that is the only thing I can think of that might be a problem. Before I was using hand-rolled DTOs and never had this problem.

And I swear, the same code was working last night. I stopped and started the server, regenerated and recompiled 'all' and now it throws this exception.

Thanks for any tips that might help me nail this one,

struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.16 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 Debian

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