On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 08:58:56 -0500, Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 4:07 PM -0400 10/29/04, Ted Husted wrote:
> >Perhaps it should be based on the Chain Context, which has
> >implementations for various platforms.
> I've thought about this, but I've also had reservations about
> separation of concerns.  I haven't thought very hard about it, so
> I'll wait until I have before I try to decide how I feel about it.
> When you suggest that, then I wonder why we wouldn't just throw away
> Actions all together and just have people write Commands instead.
> One reason would just be not to change too much on people all at
> once, which is a pretty good reason, I guess.

Bingo. I've been wondering about this pretty much since Chain came
along. Now that we have Commands, there really doesn't seem to be much
reason for Actions other than backwards compatibility. So rather than
have a standard Action that delegates to a chain, it seems to me that
it would make more sense to base things on Chain, and have a standard
Command that delegates to an Action to preserve backwards

Martin Cooper

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