On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 09:18:15 -0600, Michael Rasmussen
> Vic,
> I think he is posting in th right place.
> Brij,
> You want to contribute to struts, or at least be able to build it
> yourself right? The instructions at the Atlanta users group are out of
> date.  Struts has moved to a new source control system called
> subversion.  You can find a plugin for eclipse at
> www.eclipseplugincentral.com by searching for subversion.  I think it
> is called subclipse.
> The limited info on checking out from subversion is here
> http://www.apache.org/dev/version-control.html
> Read the part about subversion.  I have not personally used the plugin
> or checked out Struts under subversion, but I will be doing it soon.
> Once I have, I will be happy to send you my classpath.
> Struts Committers,
>  http://struts.apache.org/faqs/helping.html#contribute is out of date
> and still points to Jakarta explanation of how to check out from CVS.
> I would be willing to make the updates to this if someone could help
> walk me through.

Hi Michael,

That would be great if you could share your experience with us. I am
trying to build struts from the source in eclipse. Please send me your
classpath after you are done.


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