On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 20:42:07 -0800, Martin Cooper wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 23:27:44 -0500, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
>> There's a download module in the struts-examples application.
> Er, that's an upload example. ;-)

All the more reason to add it to the current suite of examples, then :)

IMHO, one of the keys to the success of Struts was that, from the beginning, 
Craig included a working example. The purpose of a framework like Struts is to 
write applications, and it only makes sense that we eat some of our own dog 
food by writing our own.

As it happens, the MailReader is nicely scaled example. Big enough to have some 
meat, small enough that you can review it before lunch.

Of course, you can't squeeze use cases for every framework feature inside of a 
nicely-scaled example. We've made some desperate hacks to the MailReader to 
demonstrate features like wildcard actions. MailReader also includes some "grey 
practices", like tag-based security, apparently for the sake of demonstration.

What I would suggest is that we expand the existing Struts Examples 
application, perhaps turning it into an actual cookbook. The goal would be for 
each significant feature to be demonstrated either in the MailReader or in the 
Cookbook. To keep things from breaking, we can include Struts TestCases and/or 
Canoo WebTests that step through the applications for us. (I'm using WebTests 
in Mailreader-Chain, so people will be able to see them action.)

It's been my experience that a best-practices example and an omnibus Cookbook 
are not maintenance burdens -- but maintenance helpers. As issues are reported, 
we can add cookbook examples to demonstrate that the issue exists, and then use 
the same example to demonstrate that the issue is resolved.


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