Date: 2004-12-03T09:59:16
   Editor: HalDeadman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Wiki: Apache Struts Wiki
   Page: StrutsBuildingFromSourceWithEclipseMavenSubversion

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=== Prerequisites ===
You should have the following software installed:
 * [ Eclipse] - Popular Development Platform 
 * [ Subclipse] - Eclipse Plugin that provides 
Subversion repository access
 * [ Maven] - Project build tool capable of downloading 
dependent jars and creating eclipse config files. 

=== Overview ===
 1. Install Eclipse 3.0.1
 1. Install Subclipse Plugin (0.9.24+)
  * In Eclipse under Help menu, Software Updates->Find and Install->Search for 
new features to install
  * Add remote site name Subclipse with this URL:
  * Follow steps in wizard
 1. Install Maven
  * make sure maven.bat is in PATH
 1. Import Team Project Set xml file (see contents below)
  * see contents of XML listed inline in this Wiki
  * Team Project Set functionality in Eclipse is under File->Import->Team 
Project Set
  * importing will take some time as all code is pulled down from the repository
 1. Define MAVEN_REPO classpath variable in Eclipse 
  * Setting is in Preferences under Java->Build Path->Classpath Variables
  * MAVEN_REPO on windows may default to something like C:/Documents and 
 1. Run "maven eclipse" in each project directory to download required libs and 
create .classpath and .project files for project
 1. Refresh projects in Eclipse to read new config files generated by Maven

=== Team Project Set ===
 * Save the following XML to a file called something like struts-head.psf. 
 * This file is meant to be imported using the "File->Import->Team Project Set" 
functionality in Eclipse. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<psf version="2.0">
        <provider id="org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.core.svnnature">

=== Notes ===
 * The example team project set file above creates projects for struts-core, 
struts-el and struts-shale.
 * Trying to run "maven eclipse" for struts-shale will not work unless you 
change the servlet-api dependency from 5.0.28 to 5.0.18 because 5.0.28 is not 
on ibiblio at this time. Make this change in project.xml. 

 * The team project set could also be used to pull down the source for a 
particular tag or branch. 
 * The struts-core project contains legacy javadoc for struts 1.0 and struts 
1.1, if these were zipped up the checkout process would probably be somewhat 
 * I believe there is a Maven Eclipse plugin that may simplify this but I 
haven't tried it out.

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