
Sigh!  LOL  ;-)

I have added the following thought to my signature (below): "You can
lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back".  LOL

I just want to say that I picked on Vic because he generally thinks
out-of-the-box, has a sense of humor, actually reads non-committer
questions through before answering, etc.  I also have really enjoyed
your book and your submissions to the list.  Thanks.  You both are a
credit to this community.

I have taken this issue to bugzilla in beanutils on PropertyUtils
instead of to struts on the request processor, where it really
belongs.  See some minor notes below.  Thanks, again.



On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 07:02:01 -0500, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Dev lists are like appellate courts. If the answer on the User list is 
> "you can't get there from here", then you can "appeal" to the Dev list to see 
> if we can change "the lay of the land".

I am not coming with a user issue.  I am working on a thing I have
called JerichoState.

> Often, people have already solved the same problem in a different way. In 
> programming terms, describe the interface of the problem first, and then ask 
> if anyone sees why your suggested implementation doesn't work. 

Doesn't work because the design of beanutils and request processor is
faulty.  I am fully cognizant of this particular problem area in
design issues, previous submissions, and so on, perhaps more so,
according to recent evidence, than the committers.

> In any event, please check the mailing list archives for ActionForm and Map, 
> and ask any followup questions on the User list, until you get to the point 
> where people say that the current codebase doesn't support the behavior. 

I am going to ask a question on the user list about changing the
request processor logic?  That is going to get a predictable response,
wouldn't you think?  LOL

> Then when someone does suggest moving a thread, please just trust us and do 
> it.

The correct analogy, then, would not be a court of appeals but a
commanding officer.  ;-)  In a court of appeals, you get to have your
briefs read and you have time to speak too.  But, as I said, "sigh".

"You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it float on its back."

~Dakota Jack~

"You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep."

~Native Proverb~

"Each man is good in His sight. It is not necessary for eagles to be crows."

~Hunkesni (Sitting Bull), Hunkpapa Sioux~

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