On Fri, 24 Dec 2004 12:22:33 -0800, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've made further progress in extracting tiles and taglibs, and have run
> into several issues I'd like to get some feedback on.
> 1. Tiles depends on TagUtils in taglibs.  Tiles' version of TagUtils has
> a link to taglib's TagUtils.getScope().  I could copy this method over
> (it is a whole 5 lines), but this raises a larger question of subproject
> dependencies and distribution.  Will each subproject have its own
> ibiblio entries?  Ted suggested, and I agree, that subprojects will be
> bundled with Struts releases ala Linux distributions, but how do we
> communicate intra-subproject dependencies?

The method is short, but it relies on a map that is set up in a static
initialiser... If we want to make Tiles usable in the absence of
Struts, as some people do, I think we'd have to clone the code within

With respect to ibiblio, I think it would make sense to consider
Struts as a group and Struts subprojects as artifacts within that
group (using Maven terminology here ;).

I think you're asking about inter-subproject dependencies, right? This
is one of the pieces of the build system I haven't yet found a
solution for that I'm happy with. But I'm not sure if you're asking
about that, or about communicating the information to users.

> 2. Mock objects.  Currently, Struts contains mocks for the servlet, but
> these classes would be useful for subprojects as well.  I suggest we
> adopt StrutsTestCase, or another test package, as a subproject or dependency

I still haven't taken the time to look at StrutsTestCase. If we used
that for our own testing, I assume, from what you say, that we could
then ditch the mock objects we have today? (What does StrutsTestCase
use for its own unit tests?)

> 3. Cactus.  I admit, I never got this working, and now with taglibs and
> tiles unit tests requiring Cactus, I'm not sure how to migrate that
> build process over, especially as we await the Ant reorganization Martin
> is working on.  I'm leaning to committing all my changes once I got all
> the code compiling and let someone more knowledgable setup cactus for
> these two subprojects.

It looks like EL "solved" this by copying the build files. Obviously,
this is, um, less than optimal, but until the new build is ready,
perhaps we should do the same thing. On the other hand, I don't think
we want to put a lot of effort to making this all work when the build
system is changing (hopefully next week).

Martin Cooper

> Thanks for the help,
> Don
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