> if (request is a web service) [
>  ACUnfreezer.unfreeze(mapping);
>  mapping.setInput(the new JSP to go to in case of validation errors);

This might fail in the case where the Controller's 'inputForward' is
set to true.

I have couple of questions regarding the "jsp" that you want to go to
incase of a validation error.
* Is the path to that jsp going to be a constant one or is it going to
come from a config file
* Is the path to the jsp going to be constant no matter what
web-service you are going to execute (More precisely, does the path
depend on the ActionMapping)

If the answer is NO to the above questions then, there are two
relatively easy ways.

1) Override processValidate() like so

    protected boolean processValidate(HttpServletRequest request,
                                      HttpServletResponse response,
                                      ActionForm form,
                                      ActionMapping mapping)
        throws IOException, ServletException {
        if(request is a webservice){
          ActionMapping am = new ActionMapping();
          // clone the whole bean as Niall and Joe suggested 
          // or just "input"
          am.setInput(moduleConfig.getControllerConfig().getInputForward() ?
"webservice_error_foward" : "/webservice_error_jsp.jsp");
          am = mapping;
        return super.validate(request, response, form, am);

2) Override "processForwardConfig" and
"internalModuleRelativeForward". These are the two methods used by
processValidate() to forward or redirect when an input validation
happens. Just create a new method which checks whether validation
passed or not by looking in the request for ActionErrors

    protected boolean isRequestValid(HttpServletRequest request){
         ActionErrors errors =
         return errors == null || errors.isEmpty();
    protected void processForwardConfig(HttpServletRequest request,
                                        HttpServletResponse response,
                                        ForwardConfig forward)
        throws IOException, ServletException {
        boolean noErrors = isRequestValid(request);
        if((!noErrors) && (request is a webservice)){
          doForward("/webservice_error_jsp.jsp", request, response);
        return super.processForwardConfig(request, response, forward);
    protected void internalModuleRelativeForward(
        String uri,
        HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response)
        throws IOException, ServletException {
        url = isRequestValid(request) ? url : (request is a
webservice) ? "/webservice_error_jsp.jsp" : url;
        return super.internalModuleRelativeForward(uri, request, response);     

There are pros and cons for the both hacks.

First one creates a new ActionMapping. If the validate() method on the
ActionForm is using the ActionMapping then you might have to clone the
entire bean as apposed to set setting the input. (If you consider
cloning as a con). Pros- You just change one method. Probably less
impact on the future releases of Struts.

Second one is simple though you have to change in two places. In
future releases Struts might choose to keep the ActionErrors under a
different key in the request (Although unlikely). Second one doesn't
have any knowledge about ActionMapping, so it's difficult to show
different error pages for different webservice invocations. (Now you
know why I asked those questions)


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