----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Germuska" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 3:58 PM

> At 3:41 PM +0000 3/16/05, Niall Pemberton wrote:
> >OK, "POJO Actions" is a bad example.
> perhaps, but I think having that in the subject line helped stir up
> all this discussion ;-)


> I think that o.a.s.chain.commands.ActionCommand (committed last
> night) is an example of this.  We could even remove "extends Command"
> if we wanted to free things which aren't chain Commands from
> implementing a method which always casts the Context and passes to
> execute(ActionContext).  I almost did it that way.
> While we could make something called Actionable and removed from the
> chain sub-area, ActionContext still extends
> o.a.commons.chain.Context, so it begins to be disingenuous to keep
> that distance.  Still, decoupling the interface from chain.Command
> may have been the better way to do it.

I don't have any issue with actually providing implementations like this,
although that wasn't my line of thinking. I was thinking more of changing
method signatures in things like ActionContext to use Objects rather than
the concrete class. So for example in ActionContext...replacing

void setAction(Action action);
Action getAction()
void setActionForm(ActionForm form);
ActionForm getActionForm();

with something like...

void setExecutable(Object executable);
Object getExecutable()
void setFormBean(Object form);
Object getFormBean();

...and, for example, in the Commands like AbstractCreateAction, changing....

protected abstract Action getAction(
        ActionContext context,
        String type,
        ActionConfig actionConfig) throws Exception;

to something like....

protected abstract Object getExecutable(
        ActionContext context,
        String type,
        ActionConfig actionConfig) throws Exception;


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